Severus Snape + Charity Burbage

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Boo! I'm back from the dead. I wrote this while procrastinating my homework. If it's bad I apologise, I'm a bit rusty!
(Also it's in an AO3 format since it was posted on there first, let me know if you prefer this format or the other one) 😜

Severus hated Mondays.

Not because he had lessons, no, that was fine, it was just the people. He had to see over thirty dickheads for six hours just so he could get a potions degree. How stupid was that? He wished and prayed every single day that he could just sit in an empty classroom to do his assignments. He'd do so much better and he'd never be able to get detention.

Though today was different, because Severus was on his period.

Yes, the Severus Snape was menstruating.

Nobody really noticed, except for Charity, but that doesn't really count. They were best friends! It annoyed him when people worried about him, and she knew that. But she did it anyway. Though he did appreciate it, even though Severus wouldn't tell her that for all the money in the world.

Severus made his way over to a sofa in the Slytherin common room, placing himself on the left side of it, so he could place his feet on the right. He didn't have a book like he usually did, but he couldn't really be bothered to get one. So he just sat there. It's not like he could do anything else anyway. He just hoped everyone would leave him alone in his pitiful state.

Though obviously, with Charity Burbage as his best friend, that wasn't going to happen.

She skipped into the common room, as usual, looking around for him. Her eyes landed on his figure, and she immediately looked concerned.

She already knew.

That freaked him out more than he'd like to admit.

Charity immediately made her way over to him, leaning on the arm of the chair. She brushed her fringe from her eyes.

"Russ, what's up?" She asked, her eyes twinkling with concern as her hand started to slip from the arm of the chair.

Severus looked up at her. He didn't know what to say. It's not like she didn't already know, but he found it hard to talk about these things. Periods weren't anything to be ashamed of, of course — at least not with Charity. She has them every month as-well. She'd get it. It's just he didn't have the courage to say it in-front of everyone else.

So he just sat there, staring at the floor. It was a childish thing to do, but he honestly didn't care. She'd get bored eventually.

He was unsuccessful, however, as all it did was make her more curious.

She raised her eyebrow knowingly at him. "Severus, I know somethings wrong. I'm not stupid." Charity's voice went quiet. "Are you on your period or something?"

Severus went quiet. His shoulder-length black hair covered his face. What was he supposed to say? It wasn't like he was going to just come out and say it, that would be absurd! 

"I'll take that as a yes then, shall I?" Charity took his hand, squeezing it a little. "Come on, let's go up to your dorm."

Severus reluctantly followed her up to his dorm, as she placed him on his bed and threw a bar of chocolate next to him. He stared at it for a while, before giving in to his temptation and stuffing his face with it. He could tell Charity was trying not to laugh. He could see it written all over her face.

She didn't say anything though.

Instead, she just sat behind him on the bed. She didn't say a word, but he felt his hair being touched. Normally he would tell her to get off, but he didn't have the energy to anymore.

She was braiding his hair.

It felt weird, so different. He'd never thought of putting his hair back in a braid of all things, only a ponytail. He only did that during exams though. So he didn't mess up the potion. He felt every pull, fold and twist of his hair while she was doing it. He didn't dare tell her off though. Charity was sensitive, but she also had an aggressive side. Though nobody really believes it.

She let go eventually, and Severus immediately laid down, his headed sat on her lap. She didn't move him though. She just let him sit there, content.

That's why he loved Charity. She never complained about him, never had any expectations of him. He could just live. It was very uncommon for him to have someone like that. His father hadn't been the best to him, and his mother died during childbirth, so he hadn't had that when he was younger. He'd been alone.

But now, he had somebody — he had Charity Burbage, and he wouldn't let her go for anything. They were in it together.

Severus lost himself laid there. All the cramps had gone, and the irritation slowly floated away from him. He could see it. His eyes fluttered closed, peaceful as can be.

Had he mentioned that he loved Charity? Because he did, more than words can say.

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