Trans Harry, Severitus (again)

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Hello everyone! Apologies for not writing more stories during the half-term holidays, but school has started up again so I haven't had that much time to write. This piece was typed on my phone at 11 pm last night so it may not be the best, but I thought I would put it out anyway because it's the first piece I've finished since the last one was released. Enjoy the story, and I'll see you soon!

Harry sat on the sofa, watching his favourite movie, eating popcorn and letting the day waste away as the storm raged outside. The manor where he and Snape lived was quite large, therefore being cold, so Harry wore a light dressing gown and his favourite fluffy blanket around him as his father had suggested. He'd hoped that Snape would've joined him in watching movies, but he was making important potions for the Hogwarts Infirmary and didn't have time to. Harry didn't mind, but he did at some moments wish that he wasn't a potions master, even though he would never let him give up on his profession and dream if he could help it.

He watched the movie for 30 more minutes when he felt a part of his abdomen ache, and he knew exactly what that meant. Oh merlin, please not now. He was getting his period. Harry lifted the covers away from him as quickly as he could before running to the bathroom to confirm his suspicions - which he sadly did. Looking through the medicine cabinets, he soon found that they were out of tampons, what a great coincidence. He had no choice but to go and find his father for help since he wasn't allowed outside until the storm was over and he didn't have any money to buy some. He tiptoed out of the bathroom, heading to the potions' lab door, where a floorboard creaked loudly causing Snape to jump slightly with fright.

Severus was in the middle of brewing a numbing potion for the young Malfoy when he heard a large creak from out in the corridor which startled him. Luckily, his potions lab door was open and he was able to see that it was only Harry stood at the door. He turned back to his potion before asking, "What it is, Harry?" The boy walked in quietly, leaning on the door and fidgeting. "Uhh, I'm sorry for interrupting your potion making but, I got my period early and we don't have any tampons left in the bathroom." Snape sighed sympathetically at that, "I think we have some in the cupboard under the stairs, but I can get them for you if you don't feel comfortable going under there." Harry nodded, slightly smiling at the fact he'd remembered that he didn't like cupboards. "Alright, give me a moment and I'll be right there." Severus gave one last smile before he watched Harry leave the room.

Here he was, standing in the middle of the corridor waiting for Snape to get tampons for him. Merlin, he for sure wouldn't have been comfortable enough to do this a year ago. Soon enough though, Snape emerged from his lab and walked swiftly towards the cupboard to retrieve the tampons that he gave to Harry after fishing for them for a couple of minutes. "Thanks." That was all Harry said before going into the bathroom and finishing his business.

When he went to go back to his movie, Harry noticed that his dad was sitting on the seat next to where his blanket was set up, and there was a hot water bottle on his seat. "I thought you said you were busy today?" Harry asked, sitting down and placing the hot water bottle on his abdomen. "I've finished my potions for today. You need me, child." Severus replied, finding himself smiling slightly as he said that. Harry smiled brightly, pulling the covers up to him and putting the movie on again. The two ended up snuggling into each other as Harry fell asleep. Severus knew now, deep in his heart, that he really loved Harry. He truly was his father now. 

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