Trans Draco Malfoy

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Hey hey! I'm back with another Draco fanfic - but it's his first period this time. I finished this today because I'm on my period, and it felt right to do some writing about periods. I made Lucius and Narcissa actually good parents in this one, so hope you like it. Also, please don't request people over and over again unless it's in the 'Suggestions?' tab, because that's usually where I look and I will eventually get to it. Thanks! 

Draco sat up in his bed, stars sparkling and the moon shining above him. He turned over and checked the time - 1:30 am. Draco had been sleeping normally until half an hour before, when he had woken up with a stabbing pain in his abdomen, causing him to jolt awake. After a while though, it had started to become unbearable, and since he was only one person, he decided to get up and tell his parents. It took some thought at first because Draco was 15 years old, and 15-year-olds are supposed to know most things without their parents' assistance, but he had no choice at this point. The pain was getting stronger and stronger. He took a deep breath, got out of his bed and made his way to the master bedroom, making sure not to make the floor creak.

Draco got to the bedroom, not noticing the growing blood stain on the back of his pyjamas, and knocked on the door, opening it slightly to see his mother sat on the end of the bed. "Draco?" She turned to the door, raising her eyebrows in concern at her son, "What's the matter, love?" Draco stepped into the room, noticing his father asleep and sat down next to Narcissa, making sure not to wake his father. He didn't need that type of confrontation right now. "My stomach really hurts." Draco cuddled against his mother, letting her stroke his now short hair as he did so. "Awh, hun." Narcissa stood up, gently moving Draco away from her. "Let's get you back to bed. Then I'll get you a hot water bottle, okay?" Draco nodded in response, standing up in front of her when he noticed a red stain on his mothers sheets. His face became a rose pink colour, but his mother just smirked at him. "I thought this would happen. Don't worry about it, love." Draco sighed in relief at his mother's calm reaction and walked out of the room and into his own.

Meanwhile, Narcissa walked into the bathroom, grabbing an unopened box of pads and turned off the light. She tried not to wake Lucius, but he woke up just as she was walking out the door. "Cissa?" Lucius groaned tiredly, turned over to face her side when he looked up and saw her at the door. "Where are you going?" His voice became more concerned, he thought something was wrong. She never got up this early. "Shh, hun." Narcissa came to his side of the bed, stroking his long, silky hair with her right hand. "I'm here. I just need to go help Draco, okay?" Lucius' face turned into a confused look, eyeing her in suspicion, "Why? What's wrong with he-" He took a deep breath, realising his mistake and carried on "Him. Do we need to go to St. Mungos?" At this, Narcissa giggled, "No, he'll be fine. He just needs some assistance and love." Lucius' eyebrows raised, "Is he uhm-" he suspected that Narcissa knew exactly what he was going to say, "Is he 'au clair de lune'?" Narcissa nodded her head, knowing exactly what he meant because his whole family fluently spoke French and Lucius would often do it if it was a conversation he didn't want to have. "Yes, Lucius. He is 'au clair de lune'. Now, do you want to help me by giving him your moral support or are you going back to sleep?" Narcissa's voice was more stubborn now - of course, she's tired. "I'll come help, you seem stressed, Cissa." Lucius lazily got out of bed, only wearing shorts and a t-shirt, and walked out into Draco's bedroom with his wife.

The duo walked into Draco's room, expecting him to be at least not panicky, but they were wrong. Draco's head was buried in his hands, his leg was bouncing up and down and gentle sobs were heard. Narcissa leaned over at Lucius, whispering in his ear, "He's having a panic attack, stay here a second." Making her way over, she placed the packet of pads onto the nightstand, and took her place next to Draco at the end of the bed, putting her arm around his shoulder. "Draco, listen to me hun." She gently rubbed his upper back, and a red teary face came looking up at her. "This is completely normal, okay? And just because you've started later than everyone else does not mean you don't deserve support." Narcissa's hand fell under her sons' chin, attempting to further comfort the boy - thankfully, this worked immensely.

Draco's face eventually dried up and he was no longer crying, so Narcissa deemed it safe to carry on with what she planned to do. "Now, love. Are you ready to get up and put one of these on?" She held up a singular pad, still wrapped, with the hand that wasn't under his chin. "Think so." He replied, hesitantly taking the pad from his mothers' hand. Narcissa gave him a look and Draco nodded in reply that he knew what he was doing, before entering the bathroom.

Turning the bathroom light on, Draco pulled down his pyjama bottoms and underwear before sitting himself on the toilet. He observed the damage of the incident and instantly winced. Merlin, he hoped his mum hadn't left yet because he was not going to wear these back to bed. "Mum?" Draco shouted hoping for his dignity that she was still there. "What's up, my love?" A soft voice called back, Thank Merlin. "Uhh- I think I need new underwear.." Draco didn't hear a reply. Though he did hear a knock on the door a minute later, and then new underwear and bottoms sat right in front of the door. "Thank you!"

He quickly put on the pad along with the extra clothes his mum left for him and left the bathroom, revealing his once-stained bed to a completely clean one.

Draco lay down, almost falling into the bed and whispered, "Love you" before falling asleep. Narcissa kissed his forehead, "I love you too." and left the room with a smile on her face.

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