Trans Reg 💗 - Jegulus version

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Hi guys! This story was requested by @Late_Night_Reader_x in my suggestions post! I literally wrote this at 10 pm with sleep deprivation and in one go, so please bare with me when it comes to spelling, general mistakes and how short it is, but I will fix them if need be. This will be one of many posted this week hopefully. So, without further ado, enjoy! <3 

Regulus sat on his bed, the covers covering his body as tears rolled down his face, head in hands and knees up to hug his chest. Sobs came from underneath, the sobs that Regulus had been repressing for 2 days when he mysteriously noticed blood in his underwear. He had no idea what was going on but repressed the feeling deep inside of him that told him to tell someone, he wasn't going to be vulnerable with someone unless it was a life-or-death situation and this was not one of them. Ever since then, Regulus had done his best to hide his predicament from his fellow classmates, all whilst scanning the library every night after curfew to see if he could find anything on why he was bleeding. He had it all under control for the time being, or so he thought.

James had a very slight change in Regulus' behaviour, which wasn't noticeable to anyone but the people who knew him as he did. He'd become quite recluse and desolate over the past few days, and it worried him deeply that he did not know what was wrong with the 4th year. What made it even worse for him was that Remus had been saying how he'd seen Regulus multiple times on his rounds, and every time Remus was to call his name the boy didn't answer. So, James set it out as his mission to find out exactly what was wrong with Regulus. He'd go out in the invisibility cloak when the rest of the boys were asleep, look for him and then try to get his worries out of him by using comforting tactics - that was the only way you could do it with Regulus. When the sunset and the boys fell asleep later that evening, James set off with his invisibility cloak in hand when he decided, he would not sleep until he found out what was wrong with his boyfriend.

Tiptoeing out of the common room, James ran through the exit, making his way to the large library at the far end of the corridor. Regulus had always seemed like the nerd type, so it made sense to him that he would be there. He opened the large wooden door to reveal a pitch-black room, with a singular light that moved around the far left side of the room - sure enough, Regulus Black was holding it. James crept up to the space behind him, before uncovering part of the cloak and tapping the boy on the shoulder. He jumped, though his face relaxed when he saw James staring back at him, and hugged him. Tears were running down his cheeks, though either James didn't notice or didn't care since he didn't say anything. "What's wrong Reg?" He felt himself get pulled away from the older boy's chest, a pair of comforting hazel eyes staring back at him.

"James, I don't know what to do. I'm bleeding! It's been happening for 3 days now and I don't know what to do about it and nobody was here to help me :(" Regulus' face scrunched, collapsing into sobs again before feeling light circles cover his back, "It's in my...underwear, and I've had no one else to talk to. Jamie, am I gonna die?!"

James pulled Regulus away once again, looking into the teary blue-grey eyes that stared back at him. "Reg, Reggie! Look at me, you're not dying. This is just your period. You should've been told, but with my knowledge of your family, it's not that surprising that you don't know. Look, it's just a thing people born girls get, it makes it so you can have children if you want to." Regulus' face showed a complete sense of relief, and he was engulfed in a hug once again. James was impressed he could get this 'big secret' out of him, considering how preserved the young boy was, but he supposed it came down to an immense wave of panic, fear and confusion - and James knew more than anyone what that felt like. "Thanks, Jamie. But, what am I supposed to do about the bleeding? It keeps getting on my trousers and bedsheets."

"Well, there are these things called pads that you stick on your underwear, which will be easier to use since it's your first time. But I don't have any right now, so I can cut you up some DIY pads mum taught me to make, and then we can sort you out when it's not 11 pm."

"Mkay, love you :)" James found himself engulfed in a kiss after that.

The pair both walked back to the Gryffindor Tower in the invisibility cloak, before walking up the spiral stairs to the boys' dormitory on the left. Everyone was asleep, and it was quite dark, but Regulus noticed a small nightlight in the corner of the room - of course, James was scared of the dark. James gestured for him to sit on the bed, when he conjured some round-ish towel pieces, placing them on the bed and explaining thoroughly to him how to use them. A warm smile appeared on Regulus' face when he came out of the bathroom after finally figuring out how to use the 'pads' he was given. "Can I sleep here?" Regulus' voice was still hoarse.

"Yeah, just shut the curtains around the bed." He got up and did just that, before laying in front of James. "Thanks for helping me by the way."

"What kind of boyfriend would I be if I just let you suffer your first period alone?" James giggled softly along with Regulus, before wrapping his hands around the other's waist and both falling into a peaceful sleep.

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