Sev + Draco bonding <3

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Draco had awoken from his slumber in his home to find that at the wise age of 14, he'd finally had his first 'visit from the goddess' as his mother liked to call it. After evaluating his options of who he could and couldn't go to, due to both his mother and father being on a 'business trip' for the summer and his father not being the best at comfort anyway, he decided that he could go to his godfather instead. Of course, Draco knew Snape wasn't his best option, as he was a boy but he didn't really have any other choice - he was the first person he'd met that was able to console him whenever something happened unexpectedly or off-plan. So, here he was, walking to the room that the man was staying in while he babysat, hoping that Snape wasn't asleep and he would have to wake him up.

As he reached the door, Draco took a deep breath of confidence and knocked. A small voice from the inside told him that his godfather had either been asleep or was very tired, and he winced at the patience that he might wear thin if he didn't go in now, before opening the door. Severus looked up from what Draco presumed to be a pile of essays on his desk, looking at his charge in concern, "Dragon, what seems to be the matter?" Draco was for one outstanded, because how did he know he needed help? "How did you-" Snape interrupted him promptly, "You've always been taught not to disturb unless necessary, and I think both of us know what would happen if you decided to break that rule. Now, what seems to be aiding you?"

"Well, I just-" Draco began to feel nerves spiking up in him that wasn't there before he came in. Why was he so embarrassed? It's just a period, it's not hard to talk about! He took a deep breath, he can do this, "I just got my period and I don't have anything." Severus let out a sigh which was mixed with relief & a little of a mood that spoke 'I want to hit my head repeatedly against a wall several times'. "Ah, right. Come with me, Dragon. Is it on your sheets?" He asked, walking over to the bathroom and grabbing a box from a lower cupboard.

"Uh, yeah. Just a little bit." Draco wrung his hands, his nerves finally getting the better of him. He didn't understand why he was getting so nervous about it.

Severus could tell that the Malfoy spawn was nervous, as anyone should be when getting their first menstrual cycle but he wanted to make the boy feel as comfortable as possible. "Dragon, this is nothing to be embarrassed about, but being nervous to tell someone is normal too. Do you want me to floo your mother?" Draco shook his head confidently, "No, I've got you. She doesn't need to know until she gets back." Severus nodded his head in understanding, giving Draco the small box he'd pulled from the bathroom cabinet just minutes before. He took it, rotating it in his hands as if to figure out what it was, "What even is this?"

"These are moon cloths. They're called sanitary towels in the muggle world, but they're similar. You just stick it onto your underwear and it will catch the blood. But you need to change it every 6-7 hours, okay?" Severus watched the boy leave the room and nod his head, so he guess that Draco knew what he was doing. He sat down, getting a cup of herbal tea before going back to his essays.

Draco emerged from the bathroom a few moments later and sat opposite his godfather on his desk. A pair of dark eyes looked back up at him, "I was going to suggest getting a shower before putting one of those on. You have blood all over your pyjama bottoms and I'm sure I could say exactly the same for your underwear." Draco looked down at his feet, completely embarrassed that he hadn't listened - his father never liked that. Severus watched the boys' pride fall to the floor and felt a little sorry for him. "No matter, let's get you and your bed cleaned up." He stood, casting 'scourgify' at Draco's clothes, before exiting the room to do the same to his bedsheets. He stopped before fully exiting the room, "Drink that tea. It will help with the pain." Draco nodded, taking a sip as his godfather exited the room. He entered the room once again moments later, taking a seat at his original place at his desk. "I think it's time for you to get to bed, Dragon. It's only 5 am, you have time to sleep." Draco smiled softly at him, "Mkay, love you."

"Love you too, Dragon. Have a nice sleep." Severus voiced back, utterly astounded because when had he ever said he loved him before? It had always been, 'ugh! I hate you' or just a simple 'goodnight'. Well, maybe this woman thing might make him a little more expressive, who knows? 

Periods at HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now