Trans Remus Lupin

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I'm so sorry for my absence! But I promise you I'm back now. I know I said that I was doing Lily-Luna next, but I've had to restart the story so it won't be ready for a couple of weeks at most. So instead you get a 3-page one-shot of Remus Lupin's first period. Beware though, I have not pre-read this, so if you notice any mistakes please bare with me/ let me know in the comments and I will fix it. It's 10 pm when I'm writing this, and I'm absolutely fucking knackered. Anyways, enjoy!

The scrawny 3rd year exited the bathroom, alone, blushing at his predicament which was the whole reason he had been in there in the first place. Remus had been in the worst of situations; the backends of James and Sirius' pranks and extensive bullying from Severus Snape and his goons for 2 ½ years. God, he had even managed to survive full moons every month for 8 fucking years! But this, this was something else, something he was not sure he could manage.

It had all started at 5 am this morning when he had been rudely interrupted from his slumber by a very significant stabbing pain in his lower abdomen. He groaned loudly at this. Great, getting sick on the day we have a transfiguration exam. Tossing and turning as he might, the pain seemed as if it got more prominent as the hours went on until it turned 7 am and James' personalised alarm sounded - which included a megaphone, some pans and his amazing gift for being loud. He, soon enough, heard the sound of a tired Sirius shouting, "Okay, James. We get it!" and the loud squeak from Peter as James repeatedly hit him with his pillows after he refused to get out of bed. Finally, Remus realised that the only person who wasn't out of bed was him. Oh merlin. James had eventually taken an interest in his 'sleeping' best friend after a few moments of staring at Pete as he got up and headed to the bathroom to shower. The loud banging of the pans next to his bed fired up something in Remus, something he had never felt before - not even on the days leading up to the full moon. This anger rose and rose in him for a few seconds, making part of him feel bad for James for even attempting to wake him at all, before completely exploding and the remains laid over the body of the boy, technically, in front of him. The extent of his voice boomed through the room, hitting the walls aggressively bouncing off them and smacking James right in the face - he stopped after that. He also heard a pair of footsteps, who he assumed was James, exit the room and shut the door.

A wave of regret and guilt ran through Remus, as though it ran in his veins and in his heart. He felt so torn over a stupid little sentence, but he couldn't help it. Something in his brain had made him feel this way, and it sort of comforted him for some strange reason. Being able to feel something other than pain, having the strength to feel these emotions so strongly had truly healed him from more pains than he'd known. Tears fell down his freckle-covered cheeks, dying them a beautiful red as the water dripped down his face and onto his nightshirt, leaving little dots of slightly darker colours behind. Soon enough, the tears that rolled down his face turned into heart-wrenching sobs, catching Sirius' attention.

Remus' curtain was soon pulled slightly open by the other boy, he sighed in defeat and looked up at the face at the curtain with puffy, bloodshot eyes. Sirius felt a strong sense of remorse for him, which almost took over his anger, but he couldn't bring himself to shout at him at the moment. So, instead, Sirius walked over, sitting next to the crying boy, and quite aggressively nudged him. "What did you do that for?!" Aggression was clearly heard in his voice, "It's not his fault you're in a bad mood today."

Remus looked up at him, his eyes starting to fill with tears again. All he could muster out was a mumble of "I'm sorry" before he found himself laying his head on Sirius' shoulder, his tears wetting his shirt. Sirius could do nothing but listen to the sobs that came from his best friend, and he winced. He'd never seen Remus like this before. The vulnerability he was seeing was clearly something he kept to himself, and Sirius was honoured to be included in such a personal affair.

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