Ginny & Ron 💕

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Hi everyone! I know i've been gone for like a month now but I accidentally put myself in a mental block for like doing anything so I haven't been able to write. This story has taken 3 weeks to write and it's not even been proofread but you guys need something to read so you can have this. Hope you enjoy and i'll hopefully see you in the next chapter, that may or may not be for another like 3-4 weeks.

I currently find myself in the bathroom at the Quidditch World Cup. It's not the most ideal place to be, but I've literally just started my period for the first time and it's not the best idea to be in a public spot when there is a very high chance I will bleed through my jeans. There isn't anyone I can go to right now either way. Mum's busy watching the world cup and I wouldn't want to spoil her day, especially since she's been dealing with some stuff these past few months. Plus, she's surrounded by boys! Deep down though, I do know that someone's gotta come looking for me eventually. I just really hope it's mum, cause I don't think I could deal with any of the others right now.

Only a couple moments later, I hear a knock at the bathroom door. It's a single stalled bathroom so it could really be anyone, so I stay silent to avoid embrassement. "Ginny, you nearly done? Mum's worried about you." I sighed in relief, it's only Ron. Nobody who's a petty show-off, or a couple of pranksters - this is Ron we're talking about. "Uhh, yeah." I replied, not really sure what else to say, because as much as I think it'd be okay to tell him about my problem, he's a bit clueless - and it's super embarrassing! "You sure, Gin? I can get mum if you want-" I interrupted him subconsciously, "No! You don't need to. I'm fine!" My voice was a mix between panic and the anger that wanted to come out of me for whatever reason, and i'm sure he could tell I was in fact not okay. "Okay. If you're so fine, then why don't you come out and watch the game?" As much as at first I didn't want to tell him, he was making it very hard for me not to. Damn it, Ron! Why do you have to care about people all the time? "No! I cant. Just, ugh! I'll tell you what's wrong, but you can't tell mum. Got it?" I had to give in at some point. Better late than never! "Okay, Got it. Now tell me what's wrong before I actually break the door down." Damn, Ron can really be feisty if he wants to, eh? Who am I kidding, I already knew that. 

"Okay, well. This is kind of embarrassing but- I got my period, and i've never had it before so I don't have anything to use." Of course I was blushing, because this was such a great moment for my body to make me look suspicious. "Why would that stop you from watching the Quidditch Cup?" Ron is so stupid sometimes, it's actually concerning. "Because I don't really fancy bleeding through my jeans." Sometimes I honestly contemplate if me and Ron are even related he's that dense. "Oh, right. Is there anything you need me to get so you can go back to the watching the match or..." I sighed, agitated. I mean who wouldn't be? Your brothers just being himself and you're on your period! "Yeah, please. They'll be in my bag somewhere maybe. Just don't tell mum." I knew Ron was smiling on the other side of the door, but I convince myself not to worry about it too much. I had enough things on my plate right now. "Okay, okay! I'll be back soon, hang tight Gin."

Ron scurried away. I heard his footsteps walking towards the crowd. I didn't know what to think honestly, I was in a single-stall toilet at the very top of the quidditch stadium, all on my own. I didn't have anyone but Ron, and he wasn't the best person even on his best days. He just doesn't know how to comfort people, though I can always come to him when i'm upset - which is odd indeed. But as much as I say i hate him, he's got his quirks. Like he always covers for me when I sleep in, or accidentally skip breakfast - and I can always go to him for a laugh when I need to. He understands me better than mum! Even though that's not much of a comparison since I don't tell mum anything these days. I just don't feel I can talk to her about what's been happening to me lately - it's too embarrassing. I can imagine the look on her face when she eventually finds out I got my period. She'll be all like "oh, Arthur. Our daughters all grown up" and start crying or something. It's not like I can hide it forever though.

Before I had too much time to overthink sending Ron to get pads for me, he came back. A knock echoed through the room, snapping me away from my thoughts and worries. "Gin? I got the stuff." Ron voiced through the door, twisting the door knob and attempting to open it. "Did she-" I started, knowing that by the second word he would know what I meant. "No, she didn't even notice. Too busy telling the twins off for setting fireworks off in their stands." I giggled at that. I didn't want to, but I couldn't help it! I quickly got myself situated, before making my way to the door and unlocking it. I hid in the tiny shower that was in the bathroom. I knew he wasn't going to be rude about it, I just wasn't ready to face him yet - especially not with a box of pads in his hands. He entered the room, looking around warily for me. Of course he knew I was in here, but I suspected that he thought i'd be at the door waiting for him. I decided to step out of the shower, so that Ron could see me. He got quite a fright when he saw me in-front of him, but it soon passed and he gave me the pads with a slight blush gracing his cheeks. "Thank you, Ron." He nodded his head, making his way to the door when I stopped him. "Please, Ron. Don't go." My eyes betrayed me, filling with tears as I slowly broke down. He blushed more, but came to my side nonetheless. "Just go behind the curtain, please." Ron obeyed, stepping behind the curtain before I started to put the pad on my underwear. It didn't take too long, since mum had shown me these before a couple years ago. Ron emerged from the curtain again a couple moments later, which probably was due to the fact he was terrified of coming out before I was ready.

"Thanks, Ron."

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