Drarry - little mishaps

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omg :O sappho's finally finished a story?! you wouldn't believe it! Anyway, here's a story that took extra long because I foolishly started it in my notebook, and then after I finished it I then realised I would have to rewrite it, so it took twice as long. I'll be answering some comments in the next few hours since I have some time to spare as it's half-term. Love you all, hope you enjoy it!

Draco was currently running to the quarters he and Harry shared after a particularly long and humiliating potions class with his 3rd years. He was fully aware that his partner would be in their quarters, as he'd been given a full day off on Wednesdays and preferred to grade in his own space rather than the connecting office. Though for once, Draco was actually ecstatic to know the other would be in there - that meant he could get some advice. What made the whole thing even worse was he could feel the blood dripping down his leg and settling in his socks, or at least that's where he hoped it had stayed. Nonetheless, he was near his quarters anyway, so it didn't really matter.

Bursting through the door, Draco bellowed at the top of his lungs "HARRY!" This made Harry jump to his feet, "What's up, love?" He called into the room, walking through the quarters trying to find his lover in the complex. Finally, the two met in the living room, and before Draco could open his mouth, Harry had figured out his problem almost at first glance. "Oh, love. Let's get you a shower and then we'll talk, okay?" All Draco could really do was nod, as he was sure he would start crying even at saying 'okay'. Harry started the shower whilst Draco located the last box of tampons they'd ever bought around 6 months ago when they were both sure Harry's testosterone shots had definitely stopped his period. What he didn't expect was to find them gone from the emergency cupboard. Though he decided to get in the shower first, before stressing over things that can be dealt with later. Draco promptly undressed and got in the shower, letting the day drift as Harry got other things finished.

Once he emerged from the shower around an hour later, he found a pair of pyjamas, a hot water bottle and a box of tampons? laid on his bed. He swore that there wasn't any in the cupboard before. Just then, Harry appeared in the room. "Harry, where did you get these?" His lover shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, "I got them from Diagon Alley a couple of days ago, when I was getting some textbooks." Draco's eyes went unusually wide, "W-Why did you get them...?"

"You were just having a couple of symptoms in the past week or so, I just wanted to be prepared just in case." Harry watched in awe as the other's face went a pinkish tint, "There's nothing to be ashamed of, love. It happens. I'm honestly surprised you didn't already know since it's usually a lot more common for wizarding folk - especially if the spells wear off." The two moved to sit next to each other on the bed, and Harry placed his arm around Draco, rubbing his back gently. "I'm sorry. I guess I just wasn't expecting it." By this time, Harry had now noticed that tears were running down the blonde's face. "Oh, Draco. You're okay, everything is going to be fine." He continued to rub his back in gentle circles consistently, hoping the comfort the man, which worked as he leaned into the touch. "Now, I think it's time you get dressed, love," Harry suggested, laughing a little as he did so and nudging him so that he was sat up independently. "Okay, fine. But what about class? I'm teaching for the rest of the day?" Harry gave one of his 'I'm a genius' looks to this comment, "Well I have a solution for that. I will cover for you. What about that, eh?" A loud laugh came from the blonde, along with a look of realisation when he realised Harry was being serious. "Harry, no."
"Why not?" Harry replied, "I know potions!" Draco was about to reply when a bad cramp coursed through him, "I don't have the energy for this. Do whatever, I couldn't care less." And with that, Draco shooed Harry out of the room so he could change alone.

Whilst Harry cheerfully made his way to Draco's classroom, ready to teach, Draco reopened the door to their room. As soon as he'd opened it, he'd already felt the lack of his love's presence, but he was in too much pain to care anyway. He took his place in the bed they shared, though also taking up half of Harry's side as well, and stuck on a cosy 'friends' episode whilst he lay with his heating pad and some hot chocolate Harry had made him earlier. He eventually got a break from the cramps and fell into a calm sleep.

Hours and hours went by before Harry arrived back from covering Potions - which had gone better than he'd expected. When he walked in, Harry was welcomed with silence and immediately went to the bedroom to find a sleeping Draco cuddled in the centre of the bed with a hot water bottle hugging his stomach. Harry stared in awe at his boyfriend for a few minutes, before he realised it was dinner time. Part of him wanted to let his lover sleep, but he knew how cranky he could get if he didn't eat at meal times - so he gave in and decided to gently shake him awake. After the first shake, Harry felt movement under him. "Love? It's dinner time." he softly spoke to his lover, who was half asleep under his hands. "Wassit?" Draco mumbled from under the covers, trying his best to pull himself up into a sitting position - to no avail. He was just too exhausted from the incident earlier and it was all he could do not to fall asleep right there. Harry had clearly noticed this, because he'd once again begun to speak, "If you're too tired, then I can store it away and then reheat it when you're ready to eat?" Draco nodded almost immediately, with such enthusiasm that it proved to Harry that he was on the verge of falling asleep again. "Okay, love you," Harry whispered, getting a loving grumble from the sleepy man - which made him blush a little. He was glad that Draco was asleep for that one, as he'd have never lived it down if he did.

Once Harry was sure that the other was asleep, he quickly slid next to him, running his hands through Draco's silky blonde hair. It felt weirdly intimate, and though they'd been together for 3 years, it still felt weird getting this intimate outside of their little cottage. Yet it felt comforting, so he carried on for a little before his last thoughts before sleep popped into his head. The thought spoke, "God, I'm so lucky to have him." Then he drifted off to sleep, cuddled into Draco in a hell load of blankets, but he wouldn't have had it any other way.

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