Chappie 7

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Chapter Seven

Niall's POV

I just stood there, completely paralyzed. She just kissed me, did she not? I mean it was just a peck on the cheek but it counted as a kiss. Am I dreaming? First she pulls away from my attempt at a kiss, then she pecks me on the cheek and runs off? This is one complicated chick. I shook my head, clearing my thoughts. I slowly turned and walked away, heading back to the car. I drove to Harry's and Louis' flat knowing that all the lads would be there.

I was just about to knock when the door swung open and my four mates stood in front of me. " How did it go? Did you win her heart? Steal a kiss?" Questions flung from their mouths.

I chuckled, " Why do you care? I thought you guys didn't like her. "

All of their mouths hung open, " What?!? We never said such a thing!" Louis exclaimed.

" Why would you - How could you come up with such a conclusion!?!" Harry shouted.

" You didn't tell her that, did you? Because you better march right upstairs, call her and tell her you misread our actions, mister. " Liam said.

" Of course not! I'm not an idiot. " I argued. " So you like her? I'm confused."

"Well all we know is that she's not a fan, loves her stuffed panda and is a very good screamer. How do you expect us to judge her based on that?" Zayn questioned.

" How about you invite her sometime here this week? Then we can judge her." Louis said.

" Tell Jessa to bring Megan too!" Harry added.

I rolled my eyes, " Alright. What about Saturday? Movie night?"

" Sounds sweet" Zayn replied.

" I just hope she comes." I said.

"Now give us the details."Louis begged. After I filled all the guys about my weird first date? Friends hanging out? I don't know. They agreed about the kissing thing. Jessa was one complicated girl.

"She gave you her digits, that's getting somewhere." Liam said.

Jessa's POV

Why did I just do that? Why? And then I run away like a coward? Or worse like one of those girly girls. I shivered. I don't think hanging out with Niall is doing any good for my health. Plus I'm not even sure if I like him. Do I? I plucked a purple daisy from my mother's garden and took out my keys, unlocking the door to my home. I threw my bag on the ground and slumped into a couch in the living room turning the TV on. What did British people call a TV? A telly? And a remote and flicker? How unusual. I don't think I'm ever going to get used to this language. Though I still want an accent.

I stared at the purple flower in my hands. I started to pluck each of its beautiful pedals off, one at a time, playing that game ' He loves me. He loves me not.' But with, ' I like him. I like him not'. There were three pedals left by the time I knew I would end up with I like him. I threw the flower on the ground in disgust. Really? I'm going to make my decision based on a flower? A game? I wonder who made this game. I wonder how many people believed in this shit. Maybe the point of this game is to tell you do the opposite. Which brings me back to, Should I believe the flower? Or do the opposite of the flower? Do I like Niall? Or do I not? Ugghhh! This is so frustrating.

I've known him for less than 48 hours and he's all ready killing me. Okay, let's state the obvious.

One, he's already killing me.

Two, I like his eyes.

Three, he's sweet.

Four, he knows how to impress a girl, even me.

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