chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Megan's POV

After dropping off Jessa, Heather left me at my place. I unlocked the door to my house and was suddenly jumped with questions by my mother. " How was it? What happened? Did you get pictures? Let me see!"

I giggled and answered all of my mom's questions. I kind of skipped the part of Jessa's mum calling because my mom thought she was allowed to go. If she knew Jessa wasn't allowed to go I'm pretty sure my mum would've killed me. Even though I avoided Jessa and her mum, I did slip in my conversation with Harry.

"OH MY GAWD!" my mum exclaimed. She was my best friend. I told her everything, well mostly everything. I did like Harry but who didn't? His dark brown curls and his striking green eyes. Awww.... he's just so adorable. Stop it! I told myself. You're just fangirling. I laughed at the thought of Harry and I as a couple. That was every girls dream that could never be reached.

After being interrogated by my mum I went upstairs to my room. I striped off my dress, pulling on my pajamas getting ready for bed. I flopped onto my bed. I explored Tumblr and Twitter on my phone. I was scrolling down my contacts when I noticed one saved as, " Hawtie". That wasn't there before. Either someone changed someone's name or I have a new number that was added out of nowhere land.

I texted the person :Uhmm, excuse me but who are you? Ur number is saved as "Hawtie" and I liked to know who it is.

Almost immediately I received a text saying: Oh, it's Harry. Harry Styles from One Direction? Xx

OMG OH MY FREAKING GOD. This has to be a dream. I pinched myself. "Oww. Nope not a dream." I mumbled.

I texted: No lie! For reals?

Hawtie : Yes for "reals"!

Hawtie: The boys and I were wondering if you would like to join us for lunch tmmrw?

Me: I would love too! Dream come true!

Hawtie: Oh, and bring your scene-making friend.

I sighed and texted back. Not gunna happen. She's not a fan. She had to lose a bet to come along to the meet and greet. She would refuse and kill me if I brought her along.

Hawtie: Relli? Not a fan? Oh, I got just the plan to make her come along.

Harry and I exchanged plans as I smiled devilishly waiting for the plan to take place. Jessa was coming to lunch. Whether she liked it or not.

----------------------------------------------------------The Next Day --------------------------------------------------------------

Jessa's POV

" Aww, she's so cute."

" Who's still sleeping at 12:00 p.m.?"

" Look she's hugging a stuffed panda. That's adorable!"

My eyes snapped opened as a hand covered my mouth, muffling my screams. I eventually stopped screaming, blinking hard not believing what was in front of me. Harry, Louis stood in front of me while Niall still had his hand over my mouth. My tongue slipped through my mouth licking his hand. His hand removed from my mouth almost instantly.

" That's gross." He screeched. I smirked while Harry and Louis were laughing.

I remembered that three of five members of one direction were in my room. " What the hell are you doing in my house? If my mom finds you she'll kill me, including you guys."

" Oh hush down. She's not here remember? Went grocery shopping. Dad's at work. Sister shopping and took your little brother as well." Louis explained.

" What in the world? How the heck do you know about that? What have you been stalking me? Am I on a show called, 'I hate 1D'?" I exclaimed.

" Well, that hurt didn't it Boobear?" I'm guessing Louis was Boobear because he nodded in agreement.  "Right before your mommy left she let Megan in. Who let us in." Harry answered.

" Where is she now?"

" Oh she left!" Niall said.

" Why?!?" I cried. " Of all people. It had to be you three."

" You are really good at hurting people's feelings." Louis said. I sighed.

" Leaving us to invite  you in person to lunch with the boys and Megan." Harry said.

" No way! Going to the meet and greet was torture. May I add, almost being caught by my mom. I'm not going anywhere with you guys."

" C'mon! Let us change the hate to like. Get to know us and then judge us." Louis pleaded. I shook my head.

" Luckily we know your weakness." Harry said, smirking. My weakness? What was he talking about? My eyes widen as I realized what he was talk about. Just then Louis grabbed my stuffed panda.

" NOOOOO!" I screamed. " NOT MY PANDA!" Yes, my stuffed animals are my weakness especially my panda. If anyone ever took them I would do anything to get it back. I ran after Louis down the stairs. I was so close until someone grabbed me from behind.

I heard Harry laugh, " Not so easy, love. You'll get your panda when you come to lunch."

This was hard. Choose between my panda or having my worst nightmare coming true. "We'll wait for 10 minutes. If you don't show say bye, bye to panda." Niall warned. I watched in horror as all three of them exited my house. My choice was clear. I had to save panda. Who knows what those boys can do. I quickly pulled on my dark blue shorts and a white tank top. I grabbed some studs and a necklace putting them on. I tied my black hair in a messy pony and applied some foundation and eyeliner. I took my earphones and my bag, knowing I was going to need them.

 As I climbed down the stairs I called my mom." Hey mom."

" Jessa! You're awake?" My mom questioned.

I laughed, " Yeah, my alarm woke me up, reminding me to go to the library. So, yeah I'm heading there now."

"Oh, okay. I'll see you when you get home."

"Bye." I said, as I hung up the phone. I slipped on my boots and opened the door. I looked at the red van parked on my driveway. I had two goals as I made my way toward the van. One: To get panda back. Two: Kill Megan.

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