Chapter Twenty-six

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Chapter Twenty-Six

Five tissue boxes later, my body refused to let any tears or boogers fall. Or at least I think so. I've been staking out for three days in Xavier's guestroom. I kind of felt like Edward Cullen from twilight. I was always in the dark, blinds drawn, lights off, trying to block as much daylight inside. Every time Xavier came to check on me I was curled up in a ball laying on the bed. I never ate. Just spoke and cried.

I twisted my head around to see Xavier enter the room as the door creaked open.

"Good afternoon, Jessa," he bellowed. "Today is going to be different." He drew the blinds open, revealing sunlight, making me squint. Then, he made his way over to the bed to sit on the edge. "These past few days I let you take your time to heal in your way. However, I don't think you understand how painful it is to see my best friend in such a fragile state. I love you and I miss the girl I knew before. So, tomorrow, me, you, and a special friend of mine are heading downtown to watch some weird interview with an unknown band."

I was quick to argue, "But I don't want to go. Let me be a vampire. Plus, why would I want to go to an inter-" I stopped as the words Xavier said registered in my head. "A special friend? Who are we talking abou-"

I was cut off again by the ring of the doorbell. Soon footsteps could be heard as the person ascended the staircase. A little while later a female voice rang through the walls, "Xavier? Babe? Where are you?"

I couldn't even question or hide before he sent a reply, letting the girl know my location. Shortly, a quite tall yet thin blonde appeared in the doorway. She was pretty with big blue eyes and tanned skin anyone would die for. It was when her eyes kept glancing from me and Xavier that I put the puzzle pieces together.

I turned to my best friend and started punching him playfully. "You have a girlfriend," I screeched. "I've been gone for about a year and you somehow attracted a beautiful blonde and you didn't bother telling me?! God, you don't understand how much I want to squish your head. Why the hell didn't you tell me? As being your best friend I have the right to approve and to know. For crying out loud!"

I saw she relaxed as I said the word best friend. Ew, did she think me and Xavier. . . Damn, I can't even finish that sentence without vomit gurgling in my stomach. Never, never in my life would I. I shook my head clearing the disturbing thoughts.

It occurred to me that I was sprawled over a bed and my eyes were puffy and red like my nose. I must've looked like a sick, bloated hobo. With a shriek I threw the bed sheet over my head to cover my repulsive appearance.

Usually I wouldn't care about my looks, but as she was Xavier girl I couldn't let her think I was weak and emotional. No, I had to be intimidating to tell her that if she broke my best friend she better already be digging up her damn grave.

Peeking from under the blanket I saw that both Xavier and his girlfriend looked at me with questioning eyes. Scrambling up I grabbed a pair of clothes and a towel and ran to the bathroom. Time to take a shower.


Not taking a shower for three days straight is beyond gross. I felt icky and inhuman. I must've been in that tub for a half hour scrubbing myself clean.

With my still wet hair I exited the room to see if the two love birds were present in the guest room. To my relief it was vacant. After towel drying my hair and looking somewhat presentable in my black jeans and striped wool sweater, I went to find Xavier.

Going to his room, I threw the door open. BIG MISTAKE.

I saw Xavier hovering over the blonde chick, the two currently in a hot make out session. They pulled out as I let out a surprised yelp. Covering my eyes with one hand and closed the door quickly with the other, I started apologizing, "Oh my god. I'm so sorry. I should've knocked. Then again I shouldn't really have to. But then you had a girl over. Not just a girl, but your girlfriend! Gosh, I'm so stupid. Of course you would be up to the nasty deed. I'm so sorry, " I rambled. I was practically talking to the wooden door. Smooth, Jessa, real smooth. "Ew," I finished.

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