Chapter 17

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Chapter Seventeen

I just stood there, staring in complete and utter shock. What the hell? What was Caleb doing in my house. Oh, god no. Please tell me he isn't a guest and staying for dinner. Please tell me, my mom didn't get all worked up to serve Caleb's family dinner. Just like that, my life came crashing down. From the best day ever to the worst.

Caleb's eyes widen as he recognized me. I stood there holding his gaze, until his mouth formed a devious smirk. I internally groaned. He's going to make a move on me and I can't do anything because I have to be the 'good little Indian daughter' when people are around. I can't yell at him, slap him or ignore him. This is going all into his favour and by the looks of it, he knew it too. This is going to be one heck of a night.


We all sat around the table and Caleb took the seat next to me gingerly. I sat staring dreadfully at the food in front of me. I was sitting beside Caleb and I still wasn't going to get my cereal. Damnit mom. Why couldn't you have met someone else's parents. Anyone but Caleb's family!

" So, Jessa, how do you like living in London so far?" Caleb's Mom asked me.

I blinked, realizing everyone was staring at me, waiting for my answer. " Oh, uhmm it's alright. It's no Canada, especially the weather and sports. It's great, though. It's taken some time to be getting used to, but I've made some really good friends. Mind me asking, but how did you and my mom meet?"

" Well, we were both at the local grocery store and I saw your mom. It was such a rare thing to find another Indian in London. Plus, I really needed a new friend that I could speak in a different language with. So, I approached your mother and well, yeah, we hit it off. We hung out and became friends. Then, my family and I are here."

Oh, so you must be the person that influenced my mom to allow Killian and I more freedom. Either that, or my mom became nicer. Okay, all I'm doing is just scaring me.

The conversation carried on, with me trying to avoid Caleb shooting me glances and nudging me with his leg under the table. God, if we were alone I would rip his friggen' face off by now. Who does he think he is. Barge into my house and do this! All I could was pout when no one was watching, which only amused Caleb more. I hate your guts Caleb Ganesh. This act isn't really helping you out.

I was chewing hatefully on a piece of chicken when Mrs. Ganesh questioned, " Jessa, are your currently seeing anyone."

And that's when I started choking. I had to drink some water to calm down. " W-what?" I sputtered. Maybe I wasn't fully calm but that question is so not fair. I was caught off guard.

" Are you seeing anyone?" She repeated slowly.

" What kind of question is that?" I snapped, but one look at my parents' disapproved faces made me continue, " Sorry, you caught me off guard. Uhmm . . ." What am I suppose to say? I don't even talk to my parents about this. There was no need to. It was clear: If you date a boy, you are no longer our daughter. But, I'm already dating Niall. Does that mean if they found out, they'll kick me out of the house? This is too complicated. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. Might as well keep the lie going right? " Nope. It's kind of forbidden in this house."

" Forbidden? As in your parents don't allow you to date?" She questioned, incredulously. I nodded. " Your brother as well?" I nodded again. She gasped and turned to my parents, " You guys don't approve dating? That's terrible. Don't you remember what it was like when you were a kid. A girl who wasn't even allowed to be caught dead with a boy? Don't you remember the movies and stories you've heard as a kid. A couple fall in love but they were never accepted because their parents disapproved and you know what that lead to. Running away, getting kicked out of the family, or even death. Love is just amazing and parents shouldn't prevent their children trying to find their other half."

" But, we aren't back home now. We live somewhere, we don't even know what our children are doing. Who knows! If we allow dating, Jessa might come tomorrow saying she's pregnant!" My mom shot back.

I just sat there, dumfound, gaping. Man, Mrs. Ganesh is like the dream Indian mother. She has a backbone and isn't afraid to stick up for herself. I like her. Too bad Caleb is nothing like her. Or maybe we could've been friends.

" What about Indian boys?" Caleb's mom insisted, " They won't do anything."

My mom seemed to think this one over. She sighed, " Well, I guess that's fine. Killian, Jessa, you are allowed to date. Just make sure their Indian." It was Killian's turn to have a coughing fit and mine to drop my fork, listening to the clatter as it hit the ground. "Is it that surprising?"

Hell yeah! I wanted to say, but my mouth just stayed open. I couldn't say anything. I was too shock. I think this is a dream, though I wished that it was, so I could date anyone in my liking. That way I wouldn't lie about Niall to my parents.

" Yes, Mum. It's like you've become a new person." Killian answered.

" I do not agree to this." My dad grumbled.

We just ignored him. Nothing could ruin this. If my mom is willing to let me date, maybe soon she will be open to any culture. God, I hope so. Or Niall and I would become a tragic love story. Stop thinking about it. Be happy, your mom cares. I feel like I could give Mrs. Ganesh a big fat kiss.

I was in my cheerful mood, when Caleb leaned close to my ear and whispered, " So, that means your available and I'm a possibility."

I almost laughed at him. Almost. " Yeah, too bad you're the dude that pisses me off, if I just look at him." I sneered.

To my surprise, he chuckled. " I hope you know that everything threat, or rude comment you make to me, just makes me more attracted to you. Your feisty and I like it." He said seductively.

I stared at him in disgust. This guy, doesn't get what ' NOT INTERESTED' means!

Eventually, Caleb and his mom left the house. I went upstairs and got ready for bed. As I laid down on my bed, I stared gat the wall and couldn't help thinking about what happened. Niall and mine one month anniversary. Us, being officially called a couple. I still don't get that. My first kiss. My mom's guests. Caleb. The dating. Then, Caleb again.

I went to bed thinking one thing: I have one heck of a life.


A/N- okai it's short

but eh?

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I wouldve done vomment but it sounds too much like vomit . . . +o( icky

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