chapter nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen 

I swung the door open to my home and went into the kitchen. Grabbing an apple, I pecked my mom on the cheek and off I went to take a shower. I was in a jolly mood, jogging did that to me sometimes. Luckily, I didn't have to wait for the bathroom, because my dad's sober face exited the washroom as I was about to enter. Shuffling into the bathroom with my towel, I took some time just looking at myself in the mirror. Man, I look like crap. Correction - I look like sweating crap. Or maybe a sweating pig is how you put it. Eh? I looked like shit, period. Loose hair strands that fell out of my ponytail, swung unattractively around my face. My skin was glistening, and not in the pretty, shiny way models glisten under the spot light, more like heaps of salty water dripping down my skin. I really do hate sweat. It made my clothing cling to me, like a crying baby and their mother.

Sighing, I gripped the bottom edge of my shirt. As I was half way into lifting my shirt over my head a masculine voice spoke, " As much as I would love to see what would come next, you should know that I'm in here." 

My eyes shot open and I let my top fall back around my body. A tall figure appeared behind me. Turning around, I got ready to scream first but it never came. The guy's hand came and covered my mouth, stifling my scream for help. Instinctively, my leg went up to kick the friggen guy in the shin when he spoke again, " Oh c'mon. I know we haven't seen each other in a while, but you couldn't have forgotten me so fast, right?" 

I stopped struggling and finally looked at him. The guy was wearing all black. Isn't that enough to prove that this man doesn't belong in my house? Once my eyes travelled up to the messy mop of blonde hair and those blue eyes. The blue eyes. I could recognize them from anywhere.

"Niall?" I questioned, dumbfounded.

" In the flesh."

His hands fell from covering my mouth to gripping my waist. I grinned as I pulled him into a quick brush of the lips. I haven't seen him, for what felt like forever. Laying low was really tough work. I hadn't noticed how much I missed this arse of a boy I call mine, until I had every craving to just shut the hell up, no questions, and have him my way. However, that never happened. I needed answers.

" What the hell are you doing here? " I whispered sternly.

" What? A man can't visit his girlfriend? That just sounds abnormal."

" No. Calling yourself a man is abnormal. You're as far as a man can be. I mean, what the heck are you doing in my washroom?" Before Niall could reply a realization hit me. " Holy shit. My father was in here before me. Please tell me you had major ninja skills that made you move like the wind into the washroom after my dad walked out and I walked in." I said, scrunching my face up in disgust.

He looked so uncomfortable as he scratched the back of his neck, " Uhhh . . ." he started, but once he saw my expression, his eyes widened and his hands flew up, " Oh god, Jessa. No! It wasn't like that! He was just using the washroom." Yeah, Niall. This makes the situation better how? I have just found out that my boyfriend first saw my daddy doing whatever he was doing, hopefully far from the toilet. " Wait- that didn't come out right. What I meant was that, he just came in to brush his teeth. I never saw any more of your dad that I intend to ever see."

I let out a breath of relief. That would be gross. I looked up at Niall, " What if he didn't just come here to wash his face, like what if he needed to take care of some business. Would you have stayed or jumped out screaming, ' NOOOOO'?"

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