chapter 9

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Chapter Nine

" Ehwww! Like nooo. Like trying to like hit that racket thingy on that birdie thingy is just like too much work. Don't like even get me started on like sweating. It's like sooo gross. I prefer to paint like my nails. Way better thing to like waste time on." I answered in a girly voice. I could see Killian's and Seth's hanging open slightly and confusion on their faces.

" Why are you here then? You sweat in basket-ball."

" Yeah, but Like Killian forced me to like watch, saying like basket-ball is different. So, I'm like giving it a try. I just like wish someone would like teach me."

" Well, I could show you some. C'mon get up." Jonah offered. His tone changed, almost flirty.

" Really? That would be like totally great." I said, getting up.

He started bouncing the ball, " Let's start with your shooting. First, ben-"

I cut him off as I stole the ball, dribbling it and doing a clean layup shooting a hoop. I grinned. The confusion and shock in Killian and Seth's faces was replaced with laughter. " That's my sister." Killian said.

" I told you I was going to play." I high-fived both of them. Then I turned to Jonah. " Let me introduce myself. I'm Jessa, Killian's older sister and you sir need to stop underestimating girl's abilities."

" By any chance, do you play hockey?" he asked. What an odd question to ask someone who knew nothing about me.

" Yes." I said carefully. " Favourite sport, why you ask?"

" Just that Killian and Seth mentioned something about a girl loving hockey. Should've known it was Killian's sister. " Jonah replied.

I placed a both hands over my heart, " They talk about me when I'm not there. Awww that's so sweet of them." I rolled my eyes. " Bet half of it wasn't positive."

" Today, we talked about you and Caleb." Seth teased.

 I elbowed him in the stomach. " Anyone with a brain could tell I didn't like him, yet you laughed when you saw him and I together. Anyone who was my friend would've came to my rescue, not giggling like dweebs."

" I told you we weren't dweebs!" Killian complained.

" How manly of you, whining because you're being called a dweeb."

Jonah snickered. I turned to him, " I would've killed you after you opened that mouth of yours."

" She's not kidding. Let me tell you from experience. I thought she was going to murder you." Seth warned.

" I would've but he's your friend so he mustn't be as bad as he seems." I looked at him again, familiarity running through my brain. " I know you. At least seen you sometime." I snapped my fingers, " You were with Caleb one day.  You're on the football team, aren't you? Well, I can see where you get your perspective of girls. You better hope I like you a lot more than I do Caleb, because you, you I can get rid of."  I had a smug smile on my face, proud of my approach. Surely, Jonah wouldn't want to be on my bad side.


" After talking like that to Jonah?" My face fell. " Way to tell a guy off. Of course. Hmmm, what about us two and Seth and Jonah?" Killian suggested.

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