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My all-nighter was like all the others, and I hoped this was the last one I would ever pull.

I had a group project practically worth 50% of our grade. Even though we had started early, having more than one person to contribute to the project, too much was left the day before. It was due at 8:00 a.m. to our professor. After one long night of words and numbers, we handed it in and then we bid each other goodbyes as we separated to go back to our homes. A home and boyfriend I couldn't wait to see.

Twisting the key the lock, I entered the flat and loudly shouted, "I'm home."

When no booming voice had responded, I walked upstairs to our room and found a figure on the bed swallowed by the black bed sheets. Quickly stripping off my jacket and socks, I grinned and looked at my sleeping boyfriend like he was the red flag to my bull. Then I charged. Actually I ran and jumped on top of him, resulting me with a groan, but he never did stir fully to be conscious. Plus, the sound that escaped his lips was a bit too high to be his voice. I let it go though, thinking he was having a more feminine puberty phase.

Then, I closed my eyes and let the darkness eat me alive.


You know when sunlight seeps through your eyelids, your forced to wake up? Whether you want to or not. The bright side of this? Is that your cuddling with the love of your life. I could feel that our legs were tangled. I wished I opened my eyes once I woke up, because the moment they did was when I wanted to pee my pants.

With my eyes still closed, I leaned in to kiss my boyfriend, when a very female not Niall's voice screeched, "I HAVE A BOYFRIEND!"

That's when my eyes popped open, to see a very familiar feminine face two inches from me. There were two seconds of silence before I screamed, "AHHH!" and practically rolled to face planted the floor.

She erupted into a fit of laughter above me and all I could do was get up and rubbing my face. "Megan? What the flip shit are you doing in my bed?! Where the flip is Niall?"

"I was sleeping, dipshit. That's what beds are used for, unless you use it for some kind of exercise..."

My cheeks heated, "That's gross, nasty."

Ignoring my remark, she continued, "As for your boyfriend, I don't know where he is, but he didn't just get up and leave you in the middle of the night if that's what you were wondering. Before you ask, I'm here because I have a mission to do. Speaking of that mission, I need you to freshen up before we leave to the mall."

Confusion settled in my bones, "The mall? Why would I want to go there? I hate the mall!"

"Well, suck it up. We got some shipping to do," she retorted sounding giddy.

"But I hate shopping!"

"No buts from you, Missy."



"How about-"


"But that wasn't even a but!"

"Didn't I say no buts?"

Giving up, I deadpanned.


"Megan, why are we looking for dresses?"

"Not we, but you."

"Sorry. Why am I looking for a dress?"

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