Chapter 22

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Chapter Twenty-Two

Those five words can turn your world upside down.

Break up with Niall Horan.

Break up with Niall.

It sounds so easy, but how do you dump someone you love earnestly? Should I even dump him? The one thing that can make me smile no matter what? The one that I scrounge for? The one I love?

I don't know what I should do. If I don't break up with him, Caleb will send the pictures of Niall and I out. That's like asking for a death sentence. If my parents found out, either way we would be over in less than a few seconds. Both ways I end up losing Niall. But in one I end up betraying my parent's trust. My parent's beliefs. I would be deceiving my family. If this took place, I would not only lose Niall, but my family too.

Gawd, this couldn't be more provoking. Can someone just goddamn tell me what to do?

After Caleb's surprise visit yesterday I went into the house. I mumbled something about passing a message to my mom to Megan, before I told her I was hitting the sack. Megan left today morning. I know she knows that something was wrong with me ever since Caleb showed up. Even more than normal, but she never said anything when she left. Guess, she knew I needed some time to think to myself.

It was almost six p.m. and all I did was lay in bed, thinking until my brain hurt. My parents were out visiting Avery. Killian on the other hand was with his girlfriend, Hayley. According to Jonah, Killian finally gathered up enough balls to ask her out and all went north from there. Why couldn't my life be like that? Have a lover with no one declaring them to break up? To live a happy life? Why did I get the complications? Why did I have to be what Caleb wants? He'll only get bored of me, throw me away like all the others and end up being a waste of effort to him.

But any excuse I came up with always backfired.

Caleb always gets what he wants.

And I . . .

Had to break up with Niall Horan.


My phoned vibrated against the wood on my bedside table. Groaning, I reached over and opened the text not bothering checking who it was. 

Whoopy doo! It was the only jerk in the world who I want to tear apart.

Unknown Number: First add my number. Second, I'm coming to pick you up in a half an hour. We have                                                        things to do. - Caleb

How he got my number who knows. He could be a professional stalker, for all I know. The next question was: What does he want now?

I took a quick shower, although my body screamed for more hot droplets to beat down on it and relax all the tension. Sadly, I had to get ready for the jerk face. Throwing on some sweats and tying my hair in a messy bun, I jumped back onto my  bed and just laid there. Now we wait.

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