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2: Insomnia


"Can I sleep here too?"


Tossing and turning has never been this annoying, I can't sleep. I have laid here with my eyes closed for hours, I was so irritated I began to cry in frustration. I sat up in bed with my back to the wall, I don't have a headboard. I grabbed Billy's jacket and put it on wrapping myself in it.

I began to drift a little to sleep stirring a little nearly falling over off the wall, that startled me awake. When I pulled the jacket tighter around me it sounded like paper in the pocket. I shuffled through the many little hidden pockets finding a folded up paper in the inside pocket.


I don't know what's wrong with me, something is making me do some bad shit. I can't fight it anymore, I'm scared. Vanessa I have to write this to tell you I will do anything to protect you and my little shit sister, I love you both. Tell Max I love her. I'm sorry for the fight, I just can't help right now. If I make it out of this I will be there for the both of you I promise! I never thought I'd end up liking this cow shit smelling town, but I found you and you made me see the good shit in life. Tell Harrington I'm sorry for fucking up his face, he's a good guy, make sure he protects those little shits. If this ends and I'm dead, I give full permission for him to be there for you both. He may make a great dad for all I know.
I fucking love you Vanessa. Goodbye.


Once again I'm crying, he must have wrote this a few days before he died. Something possessed him to do so much shit, he wasn't a bad guy. Deep down he was good, he was so good to me. I sat the letter on my bed stand and get up pacing around the room. I took a deep breath and decided to go for a walk, it's 3am right now my mom wouldn't be looking for me. I avoided shoes and just made my way outside.

"Can't sleep?" I heard a voice making me jump. I noticed it was Eddie sitting on a Picnic table in front of his trailer. I quickly wiped my tears sniffling before walking over to him and sitting on the seat as he sat on the table top.

"I have trouble sleeping." I tell him.

"Yeah I noticed, not that I was watching. I seen your light on, and you pacing the room." He says gesturing to the window.

"I can't sleep in the dark anymore, or at all usually." I admit as I had looked up at him.

"I have something for that." He tells me as he held up a joint.

"I never smoked that before." I say as he light it up.

"Oh really? Never? Your boyfriend sure did, was a good customer." He said as he took a hit and held it out to me. Hesitantly I took it and did the same thing as I was in thought, I never thought Billy smoked anything besides a cigarette.

"How do I know when it's working?" I asked before coughing.

"You'll know, sweetheart." He smiled chuckling as I coughed. "I'll get you some water." He stood from the table handing me the joint again. "One more hit and you'll be good to go, first timer." I took one more and handed it back as I watched him go into the trailer. I couldn't help but to cough more till he came out with a glass of water.

"Thanks." I said after holding my breath chugging it. We sat in silence for a good 5 minutes as I stare off into the tree line. Suddenly I had burst into laughter, more like the giggles.

Goodbye (Eddie Munson)Where stories live. Discover now