Bubble Toil and What

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15: Bubble Toil and What


"Light as a feather stiff as a board."


Getting home I walked Eddie to my room, I pulled him to the bed and shoved him down while I went to get the tin. Of course to me it felt heavy but she told me I can only open it alone! So I'll try that later, I just don't need anybody taking it. So I dug in my closet and placed it in the back hiding it with my fallen clothes, and behind my acoustic guitar I never play anymore.

"Nessa? What are you doing?" He asked me as he watched me.

"Listen, don't tell anybody!" I rushed around the room picking up so I didn't feel like a slob when Em came over.

"All ears, sweetheart." He said with concern as he watched me run around.

"Emily is a witch! She's coming over tonight but you can't be here when she gets here. Not even sure I can tell you about this." I was excited so of course my smile was big.

"Uh do you hear yourself? A witch.. like magic powers." He laughed a little making me stop in my tracks to look at him.

"Eddie, I'm a witch too. I don't know how to work my magic yet, but she's going to help." I tell him.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he stood up and walked to me. Taking my face in his hand looking me over. "You stop taking your pills?"

"I'm taking my fucking meds, just listen to me." I pushed his hands away. "Look maybe I can do it let me try it." I smiled and sat on the bed. "Give me a minute." He sat next to me watching me with a serious face. I concentrated hard on wanting to move my notebook off my desk, the most it did was scoot an inch. "See did you see it!" I pointed to it.

"No, sorry sweetheart. Listen I think you need a nap." I sigh as he stood up. "A snack too."

"What ever, I knew you wouldn't belive me. Just wait till I learn how to do spells." I crossed my arms as I laid down dramatically, my legs dangling off the bed.

"Oh come oh." He pushed dhimself between my legs as he looked down at me. "I love you, I just think that girl is full of shit." He laughed.

"If I knew I had magic I could have saved Billy." I said my inner thoughts outloud.

"Stop, nothing you could have done about what happened." He tells me.

"You don't know the real story." I say.

"Enlighten me?" He asked looking down.

"If you can't believe I'm a witch... you won't believe that." I say.

"Baby, come on." He begged.

"Okay but.. I'm serious. You'll want to sit down, actually I'll be back. Get comfy." I got up from the bed and walked to the kitchen, I grabbed 2 sodas and some chips before I walked back in. "Here's some snacks. It's a long one."

We sat on my bed snacking as I told Eddie everything, from El coming to Hawkins, the lab, the upside-down, just everything. I didn't skip on the details and the story of everything, I did let him butt in to ask some questions. He laughed a few times not really believing me. He really sat and listened to this whole thing just for him not to believe a word I had told him.

"I mean your imagination is huge!" He said.

"Edward please, I'm serious. Just ask Dustin or Steve." I huffed getting off the bed now.

"Me talk to your side Steve, right." He laughed again.

"Can you be serious! Steve is nothing more than a friend, please leave because I feel like I'm going to have another episode. And I have to prepare for Emily." I tell him.

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