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16: Perfect


"I'm not touching you right now, we gotta talk."


"Have you seen my bra?" I shouted asking my mother.

"Check the washer." She said to me. "Or practice your magic and conjur it." She says smiling now.

"Can I use magic to pass my classes to?" I asked jokingly as I tried to conjur my bra.

"No! Focus on what you want and stop worrying. Stress can block your magic, can make different things happen that you didn't want." She tells me.

"Ahh, it's wet!" I screeched as I ran to the dryer to put it in.

"Magic dear." She laughed again grabbing her car keys. "I gotta make some runs today, need anything?"

"We need milk!" I tell her as I concentrated on making the bra dry. "Shit fire!"

"Good lord." My mom rushed to the dryer and put it out. "I said dry not ignite." She held up my now ruined bra.

"Great my only white bra for my uniform. What am I gonna do?"

"You're young! Those things are perky, wait till you're my age and they find out what gravity is." She laughed.

"Ugh." Groaning dramatically I ran into my room and threw on my shirt, my shorts were already on. One thing I can't do is now jump, maybe I'll skip cheer practice and pretend I'm sick.

I grabbed my bag fast, knowing well Eddie will be waiting impatiently next to his van. He woke up this morning very confused from last night. I brushed it off and pretended I had no clue what he meant when he asked about the sheets and light bulb thing from last night. Making my way out the door seeing him sitting halfway in his van with a leg hanging out.

"I'm here, I'm here! Sorry kinda sat my bra on fire." I laughed it off as I got in the van.

"How did you manage?" He laughed as he shut his door starting the van up.

"The dryer was acting up." I lied.

"Want me to fix it? I'm pretty good at fixing things." He says as we took off down the road.

"Like hearts." I smiled at him, he winked at me cheekily.

"Like hearts. Your heart only." He tells me as he glanced my way.

"Better be only me... or I'll curse you and the whore." I joked with a straight face. He looked at me with a serious face before I burst out laughing at him.

"Don't play, that weed really messed me up last night! Shit was wild."


"So he flipped out?" Em asked laughing as she walked with me to first period.

"Oh my god he thought he was going crazy, I just decided to not even tell him. He won't believe me anyways." I rolled my eyes.

"They never do. My ex girlfriend never believed me when I tried physically showing her." She laughed quietly as we sat next to one another.

"I didn't know you were gay?" I whispered.

"What gave it away?" She joked. "Yes I like girls, don't worry though I see you as a friend." She winked at me.

"Actually... nevermind." I thought about Robin, how I wonder if they would get along. Hook a girl up.

"Don't be weird now." She said sternly.

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