Batman and Robin

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5: Batman and Robin

️⚠️°⚠️°⚠️ *SMUTTY

"Won't I suffocate you!?"


Four days have passed by quickly as I grow closer to Eddie, very attached. Trying to push myself away from the feelings that lingered for Billy, knowing he's gone. I will always love him, but nothing will bring him back now.  I began having nightmares nearly every night about the mall. I seen my clock reads 4am. I slowly got out and grabbed my black ribbon putting it in the window for Eddie to see if he hasn't checked on me.

I lay awake scared to go back to sleep, it was getting hot in the trailer. I got up and went to the kitchen to get water before going back. He still wasn't here so that means he's probably asleep and he will come as soon as he wakes and sees it. I threw my hair to one side as I took off my tank top and shorts before getting in bed naked. My cuts are healing pretty good within the days, slowly but they are fine. Eddie had cleaned them with alcohol saying I won't get an infection if I do that, I just listened and let him. Man did that burn.

I ended up dozing off as I heard the window slowly open, I turned my head quickly seeing it was Eddie climbing in slowly to not scare me or wake me. I just turned my head back the other way and closed my eyes waiting. The moment I felt the blanket lift slightly and him crawl in I snuggled myself into him, his hair tickling my nose making me giggle.

"Hey, sweetheart." He whispered kissing my cheek.

"I had another nightmare." I tell him as his arms hold me.

"You're naked." I hear his amused voice and look up at him, the soft light of my bed lamp making him look angel like to me.

"I got hot, probably the nightmare making me toss and turn. I can put clothes on." I lay my head back on his chest now as I wait for a reply.

"No I want you comfortable. But I would be more comfortable if you at least covered the window while you slept naked, hun." He said adjusting me as he got up out of bed with the blanket I used days ago to cover the window. He put it up securely before turning to me smiling a little.

"What? Never see boobs before?" I teased as I pulled the blanket over my naked chest now, blushing.

"Boobies." He said in a funny voice making me giggle as he came to lay back down pulling me into him again. "Your skin is always so soft." He began rubbing my back as my stomach was down and head on his chest again. My fingers fiddled with the guitar pick necklace he always wore, light bite marks were on it. He likes to chew on it when he's really nervous, or over thinking I noticed.

"That feels so good." I moaned lightly as fingertips pressed into my skin rougher scratching my back lightly.

"Want a massage?" He asked. "Could help you relax after the nightmare?" He offered.

"You would do that? You're a keeper." I joke.

"Ha, lay down on your stomach." He says as I flop down on my stomach next to where he had been laying. "Do you have lotion?" He asked.

"Mhm, on the desk." I point to my very small desk in the corner with a bunch of random shit on it. He grabs the unscented lotion and comes back to the he'd. He adjusts his sweatpants as he gets on his knees next to me on the bed.

"I'll try to warm it up before I put it on you." He tells me. I close my eyes as I wait, a slight smile on my face. When he finally began the lotion on his hands was warm and relaxing to me, the roughness was perfect. I couldn't help some moans slipped past my lips. He straddled my legs gently as he kept working on my back, the angle making it better for him.

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