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14: Witch


"My mom's a witch?"


"Vanessa.. hello... VANESSA!" I jolted awake as Eddie yelled in my face shaking my body. "Oh thank god!" He huffed falling onto his knees next to me in relief.

"Eddie, what time is it?" I asked.

"Its seven! I've been trying to wake you for twenty minutes! You're covered in dirt onto he livingroom floor." I shot uplooking around, the tin I thought was a dream sat next to me covered in dirt as well.

"Where's my mom?" I asked taking the tin in my hands looking it over.

"Thats what woke me, she's doing a double. They had a call off, Vanessa are you okay?" He asked concerned.

"Fine." I assured.

"On the floor, dirty, with a box that's also dirty. Not creepy at all." He says now standing up holding a hand out for me. "What did you do?" He asked as I got to my feet holding the box.

"Went to the woods." I told him nonchalantly.

"Don't do that, not alone." He said as he sat on the couch.

"I'm gonna go clean myself." I tell him.

"You do that, creepy woman." He laughed a little smiling. "Seriously next time wake me up for those adventures."

I went to the bathroom quickly, I stripped my dirt covered night clothes. I stood looking in the mirror before I got into the shower and washed myself off. I didn't realize how much dirt was in my hair. I scrubed my hands and nails before I decided to actually wash the metal tin as well. Odd I know but I was already in a shower why not just bring it in and scrub it. When I finished I took it to my room as I got changed.

"You okay?" Eddie asked knocking on the bedroom door.

"Yeah, come in." I called back to him.

"Gonna tell me what's in it?" He leaned on the door frame watching me as I sat on the bed starring at it.

"I'm not sure, I haven't opened it."

"What if it's cursed or something? Like witchcraft!" He joked as he came to sit next to me.

"Shut up, don't scare me." I half laughed as I pulled it to me. I undid the  rusty latch on it and began to open it, the squeak of the hinges was a bit loud.

"Needs some oil." He joked again. I sat starring at the tin, that felt heavy and sounded full when I had it in my hands. Except it's empty. "Well that's exciting." Eddie joked with a smile. I huffed closing the box.

"So weird. It felt full." I told him.

"Put it down, sweetheart. Let's go back to sleep, I didn't finish." He yawns closing the tin putting it on the floor beside the bed.

"Yeah I guess. I didn't sleep much at the hospital." I admit.

"School is tomorrow, you need rest before you go back. " He says climbing under the blankets waiting for me. I nod and slowly make my way under the blanket cuddling my back up to him as he spooned me. "You still gonna do that cheer thing?" He asked.

"You know, I haven't decided." I say to him quietly in thought. Being a cheerleader is honestly pretty fun, it always makes me smile. But seeing Chrissy may irritate me to death. "I'll decide later." I close my eyes and lean more into him.

"My girl." He whispered pulling me as close as possible. "I hate myself for everything." He says almost too quiet.

"Don't. You knew nothing, it's my fault."

Goodbye (Eddie Munson)Where stories live. Discover now