Day After Day

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4: Day After Day


"Thats, yes daddy, to you princess."


Two weeks have gone by and I've gotten closer to Eddie. He feels like my safe space, he feels like my sunshine. He makes me laugh, he makes me comfortable, he makes me smile constantly. I rock out with him and his band now and again, I promised I'd go to a gig one night. When I can't sleep I put in my window what we both call a bat signal. I hang up a black ribbon on the window, he checks my window a couple times a night to make sure I'm okay. He knows I sleep with a night light on, he comes in through my window if needed.

Steve has came over a few times as well, and I've called a few times. We're still good friends, he hasn't tried kissing me since I showed him Billy's letter. He told me just two days ago that I need to talk to Max about it and show her. So I talked to Max and told her there's something important we had to talk about, so she's coming over in an hour.

"Will you need me after?" Eddie asked as he fiddled with his rings.

"I'll always need you, I can come over after maybe?" I suggested.

"Deal, I'll wait up." He winked.

"It won't be all night, just dinner and a talk." I told him. He's gotten me to eat again, not fully, but I now have a slight appetite.

"Yeah, one day I hope your comfortable enough to talk about it." He says glancing at me then to his hands, as his elbows rested on his knees.

"One day. It's a bit hard to talk about, I miss him." I admit to him. "You've helped me so far just forget about the sadness and try to cope."

"Nobody should be sad, life is too short." I nodded in agreement. "Alright, Sweetheart." He stood up stretching waiting for me to stand, but I got to my knees and stood on the edge of the bed waiting for my hug.

"I love your messy hair, you should try a messy bun." I chuckled as he stepped close to me our chests touching. His arms immediately going around my waist holding me.

"Thats for girls." He scoffed. I wrapped my arms around his neck gathering all of his hair in my hands.

"You're a beautiful person." I whisper to him as I tugged his hair slightly. His jaw clenched as he fluttered his eyes closed.

"Ness, you are really teasing me now." He chuckled. This is how our friendship was, a whole lot of teasing one another, but have yet to touch or kiss each other. Believe me I dream of those plump pink lips.

"You like your hair pulled?" I smirked as I tugged a bit harder. I bit my lip as he accidently moaned a deep throaty groan. "Maybe you can wrap those hands in my hair and get a good view from the back." I whispered.

"Jesus H Christ, Vanessa, you're killing me." He groaned stepping back now. I laughed as I stepped off the bed standing in front of him, noticing his left boot was untied I quietly and slowly got on my knees looking up at him as I did so. "Ness..." His eyes widened.

"Be careful, you could trip." I smirked as I started tying his boot. I heard him laugh as he shook his head again.

"I got to get out of here, before I do some bad things." He spoke as I looked up at him again.

"You sure you need this?" I asked reaching for his belt just to tease him again.

"Get on your feet, princess!" He demanded in a low husky voice. I smiled before getting to my feet, he grabbed my neck from behind pulling me closer to him. Our faces inches apart from one another. "Good girl, see you can listen. Now I want you to realize something, I'm not a soft person, and I'd be sure to have tears of pure pleasure in those eyes after I'm done. You understand?" He asked as his breath fanned my face.

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