The Call

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3: The Call


"Seat belt."


I had brushed my hair and styled it, trying to look decent. I avoided makeup again, and got dressed in black jeans and a white tshirt that says 'Cherry bomb' from my favorite artist Joan Jett. One of my favorite songs is cherry bomb next to crimson and clover. I threw on some shoes and finished cleaning the trailer before laying back on the bed, it's only just nine, I have a while before I meet Eddie.

As I lay here I dozed off, my mind wondering remembering a time with Billy.

"A baby, really Vanessa?" He ran a hand in his hair before gripping the stering wheel hard.

"Its not like I planned this, it was an accident. I mean you had a part in this too." I tell him as I cowered in the passenger side of his car.

"This can't fucking happen right now, you can't have  a baby. How do I know it's even mine and not Harringtons!" His voice got louder, and I tried not to let the words get to me but hormones are high and I'm upset he's reacting this way.

"Me and Steve are just friends, we have never done anything together, Billy." I tell him. "What if I wanted to keep the baby?" I asked softly.

"Keep the baby! No absolutely fucking not, that's fucking stupid." I bit my lip as he talked, I wanted to yell at him but this would only make things worse. "Get out."  I looked back at him as he glarred at me.

"Wait, what?" I asked in disbelief.

"You're just a fucking user, you're not trapping me in this shitty town with a fucking baby. Get the hell out." My heart broke. We have never fought this bad before, usually it's a lame petty fight about something, but this is worse.

"Billy please don't, I'm far from home." I tell him as I began to cry now.

"I will drag you the fuck out, whore. Right by your hair, get out." He is so different, the past couple weeks he's slowly been just turning into an asshole. He's never been this rude to me. I slowly unbuckled my seat belt and got out of the car.

I woke gasping a little as I sat up, the memory lingered in my mind. I remember crying as I walked all the way home a few miles. Blisters had formed on my feet by my uncomfortable shoes. That must have been the time Billy was not himself, per the note he wrote. I never had anybody to talk to about the pregnancy, and never had to. After the mall the baby didn't make it. I got up out of bed and went to the phone dialing for my old friend.

"Hello?" A woman asked.

"Hello, Mrs. Harrington. Is Steve home?" I asked.

"Hes sleeping, may I ask whos calling?" She asked.

"Its Vanessa." I say.

"Oh Vanessa! I'll go wake him, hold on." She tells me. I hear her sit the phone down before her shouting for him. I waited a few minutes before a tired voice came to the phone.

"Vanessa?" He asked.

"Steve, can you please come over? I have to talk to you." I asked him.

"Yeah, let me get dressed. I can be over in 20 minutes." He assured me.

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