Happy Thoughts

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12: Happy Thoughts


"You're not going to be gone forever, it's not prison."


A whole day has passed and I couldn't stop picturing Eddie fucking me in the bathroom, everything I looked in the mirror. I had done my hair into two side braids trailing down both sides of my breast, and flattened out my uniform skirt. Finally the first bell rings and I walk out of the girls room, it was only the warning bell telling us we have ten minutes to get to class.

"Vanessa, hey! I have been looking for you, we talked to Will. He said you can call him." Mike tells me. I look wide eyed at him, Dusting, and Steve standing in front of me.

"Ha, what?" I asked confused.

"You left, you said you left." Dustin said to me. They all looked at me confused, I know what they meant. I wasn't going to worry them, after all I was extremely drunk... right?

"Listen what ever I said while drunk, was probably a lie. I don't remember anything the moment I stepped out of that house." I laughed as I crossed my arms.

"Oh you don't remember? You don't remember Jason? His lips, the rocks, you drove away, you bled like El even Mike noticed, said you went to the upside-down, and now you don't remember." Dustin went on. One thing that stuck out to Steve was Jason, I glarred at Dustin and Mike as Steve gave them am angry concerned look.

"What about Jason's lips?" Steve asked.

"Nothing." I say as I begin to walk away.

"Hold on, Vanessa. Guys what did Jason do?" Steve asked grabbing my wrist tugging me back to them.

"Nothing, they didn't mean anything." I say glarring at them.

"No, no. Vanessa it was wrong, you're a friend and I'm not hiding that. That could have been bad if we weren't right there." Mike assured.

"Thats not for you to tell." I snapped shaking my head as I pry my arm from Steve and rush away from them all.

I got to my locker grabbing a note book and pencil putting it in my bag. I was shoving papers around as I sat my bag on the ground, agitated when a foot came and kicked my bag hard making some things spill out.

"How was your night, witch?" I groaned as I shut my locker hard glarring at him.

"You know your little girlfriend is getting a little too close to Eddie. Maybe you should put a leash on her." I say as I bend over to pick my bag up.

"Well while youre down there, kitten. Some attention is needed over here." He whispered trying to sound sexy, only sounding creepy.

"First off you're hideous. Second I'd rather swallow lava. Third you better back the fuck up, because sober this kitten has claws." I walk away from him feeling his eyes burn into me.

"What was that?"

"Jesus fucking Christ can nobody leave me the hell alone!" I snapped at Chrissy as she walked next to me.

"After I just seen you talking to my boyfriend, no." She laughed following at my fast pace.

"You literally showed up to Eddie's house, and flirted right in front of me!" I look at her dumbfounded. "I don't want Jason, never did or will."

"Can't even say that Eddie is your boyfriend." She scoffed. "He deserves someone better than you." She smirked. Deep down I knew that was true. He should be with someone who's not so fucked up inside, who's happy and bubbly. Someone perky and can have fun at any moment, like Chrissy.

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