Hungry Like The Wolf

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11: Hungry Like The Wolf


'I'm on the hunt I'm after you.'


"I'm on the hunt I'm after you!" The song seemed like it was stuck on repeate on my radio as I drove down a back road. I was alone, but I didn't feel alone. I felt sick, I tried to turn the radio off but it wouldn't. I pulled over beside the woods, I got out of my car fast leaving it run. My hand went to my nose as I noticed it was bleeding, the warmth of the blood trickling down my face. Then I got sick. I was on my hands and knees vomiting, but it looked black to me.

"Please make it stop." It seems like every time my ears tune into the song playing from the car its repeating the same lyric. 'I'm on the hunt I'm after you.' Flashes of me and Billy dancing in his car played in my mind.

The temperature seemed to drop dramatically, as I finally stopped puking, and nose stopped bleeding I looked around. I've seen this before, floating particles everywhere. I'm in the upside down. "No!" I got to my feet quickly.

"Vanessa, are you ready?" I heard a deep chilling voice. I know I'm drunk, this is just a dream.

"Go away, you spooky cunt." I shout as I stumble away.

"How can I leave a mind so precious, so much potential. You don't know how special you are." The voice sent chills down my spine, gosebumps raised on my skin.

"Please, stop. I just want this to stop!" I screamed in frustration. I began to run down the road but it all seemed the same, it was Hawkins... But it's not.

"Vanessa!" I stopped as I heard familiar voices. They kept calling my name, at least 5 voices. "Where the hell did she go?" I heard. That voice was Dustin.

"Guys look." That I know was Mike. I made my way closer to my cat not seeing them at all just hearing them. Of course they aren't here, I'm in the upside-down for sure.


"Is that blood? VANESSA!"

"Eddie!? I'm here, I'm okay." I called as I heard him scream for me. I shut my eyes hard thinking, till I felt sick again. I found myself screwing my eyes shut tightly, landing on the ground and vomiting again.

"Guys, over here!" I open my eyes and finally see them all, Dustin first, till he was shoved away by Steve who helped me up slowly.

"What the fuck, Vanessa!" Steve said angrily.

"Shut up, Harrington. Vanessa, you okay sweetheart?" Eddie took me out of his arms and pulled me into him. I had sobered up a little since being in the upside-down.

"I left." Was all I could really think.

"Yeah, we know." Nancy scoffed. The darkness in my brain clouded me for a moment.

"I will fucking end you." I shout at her.

"Whoa. Calm down." Eddie tells me as I break away from his arms.

"I left, I wasn't here. Guys I need to talk to Will." I looked to Mike and Dustin.

"Wait you left, like Will left? Like you went there?" Dustin says with wide eyes as he knew what I meant.

"Exactly." I wasn't even sure if this was the right thing to talk about, or I should hide it. "I want to go home." I was light headed now, and my head was pounding.

"Alright, let's get you home. Let's get cleaned up." Eddie tells me. "You have blood on you." He looked me over quickly.

"I'll follow." I say getting into my car.

Goodbye (Eddie Munson)Where stories live. Discover now