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18: Homecoming


"Watch yourself, you won't make it to homecoming."


Nothing and nobody will ruin today for me! I had woken up in Eddie's arms and it was the perfect start to my day. We lay here as I play with his tangled up hair, untill he suddenly said "shit" and sat up.

"Whats wrong?" I asked as I sat up looking at him confused.

"I forgot I have a shit ton to do today! To get ready for tonight, like shop for some things, and pick my orders up!" He rushed out of bed and pulled on some jeans off the floor.

"Calm down its only 5!" In the morning to be exact. We both just suddenly had woken up, we know it's a school day but we normally won't get up till at least six. We'll Eddie usually wakes at last minute.

"Yes but I need a to pick up some things before school, so I'll be late to class. Fuck!" He sighs pulling a hellfire shirt on. I got up walking to him.

"Alright well... I need to go get my uniform anyways. Don't forget to brush your hair... and teeth." I laughed at him as I blew my bage out my eyes. They use to be straight across but after a few months grew into some curtain bangs.

"I wont! Love you, baby." He kissed my lips quickly before rushing to the bathroom.

"Bye." I called as I ran over to my trailer. Yes in just the Tshirt.

"Finally!" I seen Em and Sky sitting on my bed, they must have been here all night.

"Listen no witch shit, no drama! Nothing today! It's homecoming, and I have plans with Eddie. Give me one night without this shit!" I begged them both.

"Give us a second." Em told Sky. She nodded getting up and walking out of the room. I quickly shut the door and began to strip my clothes and rush to find my uniform. I do have to participate in the spirit day shit, I just can't cheer at the game tomorrow.

"I don't trust her, I have this feeling. You need to take one of the protection Potions I gave you." Em tells me. "I think you'll need it if we're trying to bind. It's a big spell and anybody can find us out there, I need you to be safe!" She says seriously.

"Okay, I'll take the potion but promise me no shit tonight on homecoming. I won't be home I'm leaving with Ed." I tell her.

"Okay I need to talk to your mom, there's a concealment potion but my book is kinda ruined in a few pages so I need her help. I think you'd need that too. I'll go see her, now take the other potion!" She demanded walking out the room now.

I finished getting my uniform on before going to the closet for my small box Em gave me. I fished out the potion and brought it to the bathroom with me. I grimaced at how ugly my purple faded in my hair, but I remembered a spell to change my hair color. So I practiced. It's darker than my normal hair would be but now it's all one solid dark brown. I proceeded to wet my bangs and take some Scissors to them cutting them straight across once more.

"You done?" My mom knocked.

"No!" I shout back. My hair was done being made over so I put it into a high pony tail before moving to wash my face. I thought between brushing my teeth first or taking the potion, and decided potion first. Glad I did because it was horrendous. I brushed my teeth twice! I then rushed to my room and put on minimal makeup since I'll be doing a lot of makeup tonoght, slipped my shoes on and went to the kitchen.

"Take this." My mom handed me a small bottle.

"Did you get the message too?" I asked her as I threw the liquid back gagging once more.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2023 ⏰

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