Cheerfuck up

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7: Cheerfuck up


"Well she's pretty flexible."


It was pouring down rain as I sat in the Gym waiting for Chrissy Cunningham to start. My heart was beating fast as I remember the times I watched Billy play basket ball in here, his fude with Steve on the court never satisfied him. I straightened up as Chrissy pulled a box out of the supply closet with the help of Heather.

"Right we only need four of you, this isn't a game to us. So right now if you don't have balls to be thrown in the air, leave." She waited as a couple girls stood and left. "And if you can't do this." She gestured to Tiffany as she did a back handspring round off. "Leave." Once again at least three more left. "If you're not comfortable wearing your uniform daily, and I mean make it fresh and clean. Means don't be gross... leave." She clapped her hands and smiled.

"Right line up!" Heather shouted. We all stood and lined up.

"Lets start."

"See all Monday for practice." Chrissy winked as she dismissed us for the weekend.

I ran out of the gym super fast, school was over now it was just people hanging around in the parking lot, or people who've had practices just leaving. I spotted Steve in the parking lot leaning on his car talking to Robin as I came into view.

"You made it!" Steve smiled as I ran to him. I was wearing my new uniform, pompoms in hand.

"I'm so excited." I say as he hugged me picking me up and twirled me.

"A cheerleader, who would have thought." He laughed.

"Well she's pretty flexible." Robin commented. I blushed as Steve let go of me, Steve giving Robin a look.

"Hey, let me grab us some beer and pizza and we will celebrate with a movie night?" Steve asked me and Robin.

"I can't I close tonight." Robin told him.

"I'm okay with that, I don't have plans." I smiled at him.

"See you at seven?" He asked.

"See you at seven!" I smiled as I began to skip to my car.

"Shake them pompoms girl!" Robin laughed. I turned around as I skipped backwards, shaking them in the air before arriving at my car. The smile on their faces made me happy, I miss these happy feelings. But just as fast as the happy feeling came it left the moment I got in my car and started driving. Billy would be excited for me. Actually his words might have been 'Damn let me see how flexible you are in that uniform.' Most likely with that signature smirk and wink that made every girl drool.

As I arrived back to the trailer park I left my bag in the car and got out with my pompoms in hand smiling again. My mood seems to switch in seconds. I was happy to show Max I made the squad.

"Well look at you." I turned to Eddie's trailer seeing him get out of his van.

"I did it!" I said as I ran over to him as I twirl happily in my uniform.

"I see that, did she scold you for the black makeup?" He asked teasingly.

"Nope, she didn't. I think I could rock this, add some fishnets." I said playfully.

"Oh baby, don't tease me." He joked with a hand on his heart. "Come here girl!" He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me in to kiss him. We aren't dating, but maybe one day. We aren't this close at school though, he thinks his reputation can bring me down.

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