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8: DND




I was careful waking up in the morning, I got up gently enough to not wake Steve. I went to the bathroom before heading to the kitchen, where the smell of coffee hit my nose. My mom was going through mail as she watched the coffee brew, her work clothes still on.

"I thought you and Eddie were a thing?" She asked as she spotted me. She grabbed two mugs and sat them on the counter.

"Were just friends, he's a great guy." I say to her.

"You and Steve then?" She asked with raised brows as she smiled slightly.

"What? Not at all, friends as always." I felt my face get hot.

"Hickeys don't lie." She chuckled as she poured the finished coffee for us both. I cursed to myself for not noticing any hickey last night, but I was drunk. "Did you wear protection at least?" She asked me.

"Crap, I can't remember. I don't think so." I admit as I feel her scold me.

"Vanessa Raign, I taught you better! You better get the morning after pill." She says to me with disappointment on her face, I hate this look.

"Thats so expensive." I say rubbing my hand down my face.

"Maybe you should be more careful, babies are more expensive. You're not ready for a baby."

"I'm not ready for a lot of things. Listen I'm going to get ready, kick Steve out, and go to the doctor right?" I asked.

"Actually you no longer need a prescription for it, go to the pharmacy and ask for it." She tells me. I nodded downing the burning hot coffee before heading back to my bedroom. When I got in the room Steve was just putting his pants on.

"Good morning." I say as I grab jeans and a shirt.

"Hello, gorgeous. How did you sleep?" He asked smiling with messy bed head.

"Fine, um question!" He looked at me waiting. "Did we use protection?"

"Uh, crap." He huffed closing his eyes tight pinching the bridge of his nose. "No I don't think we did." He answered finally.

"I have to go get the morning after pill. I'm not getting pregnant again, that was too traumatizing." I tell him as I quickly strip and put my clothes on.

"I'll pay for it, I'm the one who forgot." He says to me.

"Lets go quick, I'll feel better knowing I won't be knocked up." I scoffed. I feel like I have an attitude towards him, I don't mean to though. I let him drive us to the pharmacy, I sat quietly in the passenger side till he came back and gave me the pill and a bottled water.

"Are you mad at me?" He asked awkwardly, and I suddenly felt very bad.

"No, Steve." I assured him as we sat in the parking lot. "I'm embarrassed, that my first time with you was drunk." I laughed nervously. He looked over at me smiling.

"I was too, don't worry. I'm also pretty embarrassed. Not how I wanted our first time to be." He told me.

"It was good though, so don't worry about it. Let's just go back to how we were, not awkward." I try to lighten the mood.

"You have plans today?" He asked as he backed out and headed back to the trailer park.

"Yeah I do, I promised Eddie to hang out." I tell him.

"Oh, alright. Well... another time." He acted as if he were was wanting to say something else.

"Whats on your mind Steve?" I asked him.

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