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10: PaRtY


"Oh you brought a target."


(I always put A/N at the end but I added a photo of Eddie to chapter DND, and you'd love it. Just an FYI.)

Friday came quick enough, is stood in the locker room fixing my two high pigtails. Pigtails is one way to annoy Chrissy, but also obey her demand for hair up.

"I'm just saying some of us eat like a slob! So we should have shorts and a shirt to wear instead of the uniform." Ashley complained as she tried scrubbing Tiffany's skirt from the jelly she dropped on it.

"I second that, wearing this nearly six days a week is... boring. We should get coach to get us practice shorts and a crop." I slightly agreed.

"Who asked you witch?" Chrissy glarred at me. Jason's name for me sort of stuck.

"Shorts with the word Cheer on the butt!" Tiffany laughed happily.

"Yes super cute! Then when it's time we can come back here and change into our uniforms!" Ashley jumped up looking at Chrissy, who was not amused.

"Listen Chrissy, we can maybe just wear uniforms on spirt day, pep rally days, and game days." I say to her.

"Fine, God. I'll talk to coach." She said taking off to the door.

"I prefer to be called Vanessa, but God works too!" I joked making her flip me off as she walked out the door. "Shes so sweet."

"Shes just jealous of you." Ashley says wetting the towel she had once again, she squatted back down helping Tiffany with the jelly stain that I know won't come out.

"Jealous of me?" I laughed questioning what she meant.

"Yeah she likes Eddie, that's a secret though. Her and Jason are so rocky." Tiffany spilled making Ashley pinch her leg. "Ouch, what!"

"Wait she likes Eddie?" I asked worried a little.

"Don't worry, she won't come between a relationship. She does have ground rules." Ashley told me.

"Were not dating, but I do like him." I really should have kept my mouth shut.

"Not dating? Huh... Chrissy will love this." Tiffany said. I glarred for a second before rushing out of the locker room to lunch. I scanned the room as my eyes landed on Eddie and the guys. I quickly walked to the table and took a seat close to Eddie as he sat at the end.

"Still not use to a cheerleader sitting with us." Mike muttered.

"Guys it's still me, it's just a uniform." I rolled my eyes still irritated.

"How is it, you're not popular?" Dustin asked me fully interested in knowing.

"Ask bitchy Chrissy, and her douch of a boyfriend." I scoffed.

"Hey don't be like that." Eddie said as he leaned closer to me. My mood swings seem to be off the handle today because I straightened up in anger as he went to grab my hand.

"What? Don't like me calling her a bitch? If you like her so much go be with her." I snapped at him. He looked at me confused before retreating his hand.

"What was that about?" Dustin asked trying to defuse tension.

"No, I meant.. I don't know." Eddie says.

"I have to go, I really have shit to finish before Jason's party tonight." I say standing up again.

"Wait you're really going to that? I thought we were gonna go get ice cream and go to our spot by the lake?" He asked. Over summer we found this nice secluded spot to park his Van by Lovers lake, we would smoke and go swimming. We haven't done it since school started.

Goodbye (Eddie Munson)Where stories live. Discover now