Protect your sister

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17: Protect Your Sister


"Billy I know what I saw."


Thursday seems like the most busy day since the peprally and homecoming game is tomorrow. My mother wanted to  wait to bind the coven, but it's too late I can't just say no and make Emily hate me.

Although I'm no longer able to cheer till after homecoming, I'm still a cheerleader. Therefore I'm still decorating for the peprally tomorrow, when nobody is watching I use a little magic here and there to get my tasks done faster. It's getting a little easier, almost like it comes natural to me.

"I said over the basketball rim!" Chrissy shouted at me.

"If I put it over the rim how will the team make a dunk on the way out, think with your brain blondie!" I snapped as I was being held up by a couple girls to put a banner on the back of the basketball hoop.

"Oh my gosh, just set it up!" She snapped.

"Hey!" I shouted as I fell back onto the gym floor losing my breath.

"Ops." Chrissy smirked as her and the other girls who held me walked away. I just laid my head back getting my breath back before getting up and leaving the gym. School was over I was just obligated to stay after to do this shit. I had told Eddie to just go home and I'll catch a ride later but I'm not waiting around for that.

I grabbed my back pack and walked out of the school, muttering shit under my breath as I walked. It seemed oddly dark outside when I got out, the air was a bit more chilly. Although it's fall it just caught me off guard. I secured my bag and began my trip home, stopping at the gas station on my way.

"Just this?" I nodded at the cashier. "$0.50." I paid for my soda and headed out of the store bumping into a girl I've never seen around. She looked terrified.

"Hey you alright?" I asked her. Her face relaxed when she seen me.

"Fine, fine. Can you tell me what town I'm in?" She asked.

"Hawkins, Indiana." I tell her furrowing my eyebrows as I popped open ym soda. "Somewhere or someone you're looking for?" I asked.

"Uh, Vanessa Quinn. About my age.. oh I'm uh 19..." She tells me. I gave her a confused look as she looked around her like she was on watch.

"What do you need with her?" I asked not telling her who I am.

"She's my sister." She tells me. "I just need to find her." For fuck sake can I ever get a break?

"I'm vanessa." I tell her. Her eyes light up a little as she looked me over.

"Oh, it worked! Cool. Can we talk privately?" She asked me.

"Listen I don't mean to be a bitch but who are you?" I asked her.

"I can explain as soon as we are in private, it's too risky out here." She tells me in a hushed tone.

"Okay well let's go to my place."


Standing in Eddie's kitchen we glanced over at the girl sitting on his couch, she never told me her name. She was quite the whole walk here and refused to speak. I didn't want to go to my place in fear of something happening, I took protection at Eddie's place.

"So you invite a stranger over?" He asked glancing at her.

"She looked scared." I tell him. "Give us some privacy, if I need you I'll shout." I tell him.

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