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After his exploits in Monstadt, Aether gets ready to head to the next nation; Liyue. He wasn't alone on the journey though. A flying pixie was with him. A very peculiar suspicious mascot. She was his guide for his journey. Aether's main goal in Liyue was to find clues on his missing sibling, but someone who looked vaguely familiar to them along with an up-and-coming festival distracts him. This girl will shed light on his sibling's whereabouts and even about both of their pasts as well. Those involved will have their fate changed.

Only getting halfway before his companion started to complain about being hungry, they had to stop at an Inn for a snack. "Hurry! Paimon feels like she'll die!". He giggles at his companion. "You ate before we left. You'll be fine!". That only made her complain more. 

They take the elevator up and arrive at the top. Aether greets the person in charge and asks for some snacks. The food is served to them as Paimon gorges the food. "Slow down!". She was known as a food fanatic in Monstadt and will probably be known in Liyue.

Today's training felt too long. Lily wanted to return to the Inn. Xiao was a good teacher, but he was pretty harsh with his words. "Swing faster! You're too slow!". Every strike she tried to attack with Xiao dodged easily with his spear. "Hah!..Hah!". She was sweating and losing grip on her sword. "Your movements are too obvious!". Xiao then swings his polearm at her as she swiftly dodges it. He quickly anticipated where she would land and swung at her. "Urgh!". She drops her weapon as his blade touches her neck.

He was careful not to cut through her flesh. "That's the fifth time you could've died today!". She rolls her eyes and plops down on the ground. Xiao huffs and heavily sighed. "You aren't taking this training seriously!". His tone irked her. "I am!". She stands up looking directly at him.

"It doesn't seem like that at all!". She furrowed her brow. "I'm trying! The least you could do is go easy on me!". Xiao now furrows his brow. "Why would I do that?! Without this training you're a liability to have around!". He widens his eyes as tears run down her face. "S-So I-I'm a liability to you?".

More tears fall as she drops her head. Lily was now sobbing. "Lily...I didn't mean that". He tries to 'comfort' her, but his hand is slapped away. "I-It seemed like it! hic". Xiao didn't know what to do as she teleported back to the Inn. He's left alone not knowing what he could've done in that situation. Lily returns to her room and falls on her bed sobbing on her pillow. Xiao's been somewhat rude to her before but something like that hasn't happened to her. 'What's wrong?'.

She remains silent. 'Child...'. She sighs "You heard our conversation, didn't you?". 'Yes'. Lily sits up and wipes her tears. "I guess I'm a liability then". Guizhong remains silent for a few moments and then speaks. 'You're not a liability. You're just as important as those around you'.

Somehow that didn't cheer her up. "If you're talking about the Contract then sure, but I'm no help without it". Guizhong again remains silent and doesn't talk further. "Heh, I was right then". She sighs and leaves her room. 'So much for comfort' she thought.

It wasn't a good time to be angry. She puts it off for later. Lily leaves her room for a change of scenery. Maybe Verr had something for her to do. She greets her at the counter. "Anything for me today?". Verr grabs a stack of papers from under the table and looks through it. "If you'd like there's a small commission to bring some supplies to Liyue Harbor". 

Lily nods and jumps on the offer. "I'll take it". She seemed pretty enthusiastic to take it. "Alright then but is something wrong?". Lily flinches "Y-Yeah". She takes the supplies and heads to the Harbor.  Getting away from the Inn was all she wanted. 

A/N: Hello! Happy Monday to all! Wow what a chapter! First the Traveler shows up and then Xiao and Lily get in a fight. (Don't worry they makeup) Tomorrow I'll publish another Chapter. I am unable to do it Wednesday due to me being busy. I hope everyone enjoys their day. 

See you soon! 


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