Swift Recovery?

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Slowly, Xiao began to wake up in Lily's embrace. "Xiao?". His golden eyes darted to hers. "How? You shouldn't be here! I-I...". She stops him with a kiss. "Hush, now. I'm fine". Confusion and worriedness washed over him. "You're too injured to be here...". Lily lightly grabs his hand and rubs it on her chest. "See it's gone". 

Xiao blushes and moves his fingers. "H-How?". She pondered on who that figure was but didn't give him a good response. "Good Question". Xiao looked at her perplexed. A healing wound and a broken spirit can't possibly heal that suddenly. Or can it? He didn't know.

He had enough time to ponder, but he wanted to enjoy Lily's company. Lily continued to stroke his hair as Xiao only watched her. She hummed a small tune making Xiao calmer. "How do you feel?". He lightly hums "Better". Lily smiles and lowers her head to his. "I love you, my yaksha". 

She kisses him again as he flushes. Satisfied with what she sought out to do, Lily begins to return. Xiao is left alone again. He turns red as he could still feel the kiss. He turns over and mumbles "I love you too".

Lily returns and wakes up on Xiao's lap. "Mm?". He looks down at her. "Morning". Wait, how long were they in there? "Xiao, what time is it?". He glances at the clock. "8:30". Yep, that confirms it. She's been gone quite a while. She still felt groggy. A small growl from her stomach alerts them. Lily sits up and pats her stomach. 

Xiao gets out of bed and offers her his hand "Come on, let's get you some food". They enter the kitchen to find Zhongli and Madam Ping. Lily's presence surprised them. She was supposed to stay in her room. "Child, what're you doing up?". Lily looks towards Xiao. "Good Question".

Yet again, she doesn't know how to answer them. Zhongli could sense her uneasiness and suggested she sit down. Xiao did as well. "Xiao, should you be up as well?" asked Zhongli. Xiao glances away from him. Before they left Lily asked Xiao if he could keep her fast recovery a secret. "I feel fine, my Lord". 

Zhongli furrows his brow. They were hiding something he could feel it. They were silent as Lily ate. It had been a while since she had a proper meal. Soft liquids for food were getting tiring.

After the meal, Lily along with Xiao, left to get some fresh air. Lily ran ahead of Xiao to enjoy the scenery. Xiao stayed close but gave her space. The scenery made her miss home. They've been in Madam Ping's Teapot for quite a while. Lily felt homesick as the levees from the trees swayed. "Xiao, I miss home". 

He looks towards her as she turns to him. "I want to go home...". The wind swayed as the leaves fell. She desperately wanted to return to Wangshu Inn. She wanted home. Xiao slowly walked to her and put his hand on her cheek. "You will".

Two sighs came from inside. Zhongli and Madam Ping heard Lily's wish. Her miraculous recovery puzzled them. Soon she'll have to answer how. The mysterious woman that Lily met in her dream was responsible. Lily had gained Hisano's dormant power. Something that will attract monsters to them. 

Xiao will have to protect her once they return. Lily's power to purify is potent and will benefit a lot of people. The people of Liyue will regard her as an Adeptus of Purification later on. Lily just wants to return to her normal life. 

A/N: Hi! How are you? The part about Lily being called an Adeptus will not be until later. It'll be a while until she is called an Adeptus. Xiao's change is coming next few chapters. (Don't worry it's positive!) Lily will also get a new outfit for this "Adeptus Form". 

Ahem... Choo-Choo! The Angst Train is back! The guest this time is Xiao! Hop on aboard for the next few chapters! Hope everyone has a fun ride! (haha! I couldn't help myself!)

See you soon!


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