A Yearning to Protect her

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The pair returned before Zhongli did. Xiao switched into his normal clothing to avoid suspicion. It didn't seem like he noticed at all. Maybe they wouldn't get into trouble? Lily enjoyed the dinner Zhongli made for her and Xiao enjoyed the Almond Tofu he got from the Inn. 

It was going peacefully until Zhongli brought up something. "How was your date?". Xiao pauses and drops his spoon and Lily coughs on her tea. "H-How did you know?!". Zhongli chuckles "Your auras are unique, so I instantly recognized you. Though..." A pause, was he thinking about a punishment?

He took a sip from his tea and said, "It surprised me that Xiao went around the harbor". The guilt from earlier came back. "I asked him to...wait, what do you mean a date?". Another chuckle from Zhongli "You two were enjoying yourselves, right?". 

It seemed that way to her, but what about Xiao? He was trembling for most part. "I guess. Xiao didn't seem to like it". Xiao huffs "I did enjoy it". Lily smiles at him. "I'm glad". Zhongli took another sip and smiled on the inside. It was good that Xiao enjoyed something. He never really does.

That night Xiao was alone in the living room of the house. Lily had gone to bed and Zhongli went out again for consultant stuff. Something was bugging him. What happened to his adaptal energy? His anemo power didn't work and it strained him to use his Bane of all Evil. 

He felt like a blockage in his power. Just what happened? It was ticking him off. He felt powerless and didn't like it at all. "Do you want to protect her?". Xiao springs up and looks around. That wasn't Lily's or Zhongli's voice. But it sounded very familiar.

It repeated its previous statement. Xiao nods "She's important to me". A figure appears in the room that even he couldn't see. It smiled "That's good. I shall give it to you". A small light appears in front of him. Something told him to grab it and took it. "Use it well...". The figure disappears as pain suddenly takes over him. 

Xiao falls on the couch grasping onto his back. "Mmgh!". It was like something was growing on his back. Two marks form on his back. "Aaagh!". Another pained scream causes a beautiful golden pair of wings to appear from his back. He was left gasping for air from what just occurred.

Newly formed pair of wings with bones that supported it caused them to slump over him. Xiao didn't have the strength to see what happened. It left him weakened and in pain. Whatever that strange light was, it caused a pair of wings to grow. 

Not only that, Xiao's adeptal energy grew exponentially. Two forces intertwined with each other. He had unknowingly gained another power. Xiao's wings dissipate into his back giving him a breather.

Another little light enters the room and dances around him. The little light turns into a golden seelie and lands on Xiao's back. It sends soothing energy into him to calm his breathing down. Xiao slips into unconsciousness. The little guy stayed with him until Zhongli arrived. He finds Xiao asleep on the couch. 

He didn't think anything of it and covered him with a blanket. He left to let him rest. The next morning Lily wakes up to a seelie in her room. The very same one that she saw in Xiao's inner world. This is weird. It shouldn't be here. Then why is the little guy here?

Lily got out of bed and got dressed. The little seelie followed her as she entered the room. She finds Xiao on Zhongli's lap. It's odd for him to sleep this long. "Is he alright?" asked Lily. Zhongli shakes his head "I do not know. He's sleeping too soundly". It wouldn't be considered a bad thing, but for someone who doesn't sleep this hard is concerning. 

Worry grows over Lily as the seelie from earlier catches Zhongli's attention. "Lily who's that?". She looks over to the little guy. "I don't know. It appeared in my room this morning". He couldn't put his finger on it but that seelie gave off a very familiar aura. Someone he knew perhaps. 

A/N: Uh-oh! Busted! Xiao's change is here!!!! I gave him his beautiful wings back that his former cruel master ripped from him. (I don't know if it's specified if Xiao lost is wings in the game. I also don't know if it's in his lore either. For this fanfic, Xiao lost his original wings long ago) Don't worry Xiao is fine. His "change" is still going on. Hope everyone likes Xiao's new change. 

See you soon! 


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