Is this a Dream?

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Xiao was now deep inside his thoughts. Floating in the endless void of Memories. A dark force guided him through the darkness. "Let me in, Alatus!". Xiao shuddered from hearing his former name. "Let me in...". It echoed continuously until Xiao let whatever it was in. "Good, now let us find Hisano". Who was that? 

That name rang into his mind causing a seal in his mind to break. Sudden memories flooded his mind. "Brother!". "Alatus!". "Brother, wake up!". Xiao's eyes shoot open. Four familiar figures stood before him. Xiao's eyes widen as his family greets him. Bonanus, Indarias, Bosacius, and Menogias all greeted him.

His eyes widened more with heavy tears falling down. The four of them begin to worry. They've never seen him cry before. Bonanus and Indarias kneel next to him. "Brother are you well?" asked Indarias. Xiao turned to her. "I-I...". More worry grew on her face. 

Menogias was next to sit down next to him. "You had suddenly disappeared from the Guili Assembly". Bosascius joins the rest. "We looked for several hours until we found you here. Brother, what were you doing?". Xiao didn't know how to respond.

Bonanus grew with worry just like the others. "Brother are you alright?". Xiao turns his head to her as well. "I-I...". He tried to speak but words wouldn't come out. He grabs his throat, alarming the others. "Is it your throat?" asked Bonanus. Xiao nods to her. 

The others look at each other. What happened? Bosacius puts a hand on Xiao's shoulder. "Let us return. Lady Guizhong can take a look". Guizhong, why does that ring a bell? The Yaksha's return to the Guili Assembly with Xiao in tow.

A concerned yet angered Morax greeted them. "Xiao where did one go?". He looked at his master but didn't respond. "Xiao...". He pointed to his throat and Indarias spoke up. "Alatus isn't able to speak, My Lord". Morax hums and glances at Xiao. "Take him to Guizhong". 

The other's nod and take Xiao to her. They soon arrive at her Medical Tent. "Lady Guizhong, we're back with Alatus!". Guizhong runs out of the tent. "Xiao!". Her voice was frantic. Guizhong hugs Xiao lightly as the others leave him in her care.

She pulls him lightly into her tent. "I heard that you're unable to speak". Xiao nods. "Hm, may I take a look at your throat?". He nods and opens his mouth. Guizhong glances down with a light and doesn't see anything. "I didn't find anything. How about drinking something". 

She gives him a drink that he finishes. "Try speaking now". "Ah...". All that came out was sounds. "Oh my, well let's stop. Relax your vocal cords for a while and it should return". She gives him another vial to drink before bed.

He leaves the tent soon after and returns to his quarters. Xiao had some explaining to do when his voice returned. He drank the vial and laid down on his bed. Xiao didn't have anything to do due to being excused for a while. Xiao closes his eyes hoping tomorrow won't be boring. 

 The next day rolled around and still no sign of his voice returning. The other Yakshas prevented Xiao from doing anything strenuous. Why? Even he doesn't know. It's not like he was injured. He only lost his voice.

Something like that won't impact him fighting. Besides, Morax was getting ready to meet with some Gods to discuss an Alliance. Now wasn't the time for this. He had guard duty to fulfill. Xiao wandered around the Assembly doing nothing until he ran into his Master. "Xiao, has it returned?". 

He shook his head. "Alright, for now you can accompany me". Finally, something worthwhile to do. Xiao accompanied Morax to Guizhong quarters. Tomorrow was an important Banquet and all the Yakshas had to attend. 

A/N: Hi! First stop is the Past! Or rather Xiao's past! I'm not going to go into a lot of detail about his past. Hm, I wander who Hisano is. Later she will be revealed. I hope you guys like her! 

See you soon! 


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