The Past always Returns

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That night, Xiao and Lily returned to the Inn. They were pretty tired from all the training and wanted a break. Recently, Lily had moved her stuff in Xiao's room to further help him and maybe even their relationship. Xiao's room didn't have much furniture in it, so they got more to accommodate two people. 

Xiao didn't mind since Lily picked out the most. Lily took a shower while Xiao stood guard outside the room. Lily got out and dressed into night clothing. "Xiao, I'm done!". Xiao walks in to see Lily on the bed. She gestured to him to sit down next to her.

He does and looks at the object in her hand. "Xiao, may I see your wings?". He looks at her confused and summons his wings. Lily smiled as she lightly stroked some feathers sending shivers down Xiao's back. "Mm!". She continued to stroke some more and took the object in her hand. 

The object is a soft brush for feathers. She then lightly brushes his wings and strokes the other wing. Poor Xiao was huffing after she finished. "Did you not like it?". He shakes his head. Xiao's face was completely red. "I-It felt...good".

It was a new feeling for Xiao, and he liked it. She hoped to take care of his wings like this in the future. Since it's been a while maybe she could pamper Xiao. But how would she do that? What did he like the most? What comforts him? Just being by her side is enough for him. 

Many ideas came to her mind, some were rather embarrassing. Lily lightly blushes and forces those thoughts aside. "Flower are you alright?". She quickly nods. Lily raises her arms towards Xiao. "P-Please hug me!". Xiao raises an eyebrow and embraces her.

Lily missed this and so did Xiao. They missed their time together. So many things happened at once that they had little time to properly make time for another. "I missed this!" said Lily". Xiao nods to her. They had eventually slept together still cuddling each other. 

Xiao wakes up first still entwined with Lily. He was careful not to wake her up and left the room. Xiao walks around the balcony looking for any possible threats. He must get used to his new power. Something he must do in secret, so it doesn't worry Lily.

A possible threat emerges as Xiao uses his now strengthened wings to fly quickly to the threat. He flies down and dissipates his wings. Xiao could tell that some demons have accumulated here. The land was thick with miasma. Xiao summons his spear and attacks them. 

He makes quick work of them just like Lily does. This new power could be of use to him after all. He doesn't have to worry about losing control or his karmic debt. This is a huge relief to him. Xiao can finally use his power without the fear of hurting another.

Lily wakes up alone in their room. She felt emptiness when Xiao wasn't there with her. The same feeling when her father died. It was a feeling she didn't like. Lily gets out of bed and stands up. "Xiao...". "You called?". He startled her as she lost her footing. 

Xiao catches her with ease. "You dummy". Xiao tilts his head. "Did I do something wrong my love?". Lily nods her head as Xiao helps her to the bed. "You left me..." she whispered. Xiao didn't hear that. "I didn't hear you...". Xiao is stopped when Lily lightly hits his shoulder.

Now he was confused. "Don't leave Dad...". Lily falls asleep on Xiao's lap. "I don't...". 'It seems that time of year'. Guizhong appears before them. "Lady Guizhong, I...". 'You did nothing wrong. It's just that...'. A pause with a sigh. 'The anniversary of Issac's death is almost upon us'. 'Who's Issac?' he thought. 'Liliana always acts this way around the anniversary of her father's death'. 

Ok, Xiao got the memo now. "Will she be alright?". Guizhong shakes her head. 'She's always plagued by constant nightmares leading up to the anniversary date'. Xiao grew concerned; he knows the impact constant nightmares brings on one's psyche. "Don't worry Lady Guizhong, I'll protect her". Guizhong leaves with a smile. 

A/N: I'm back! How is everyone? I hope everyone had a Great Thanksgiving! 

Is the Angst Train back? Maybe... Don't know if this counts as Angst. Issac death is vastly approaching. The next chapter will be Angst so yes, the Angst Train will be back just for the next chapter. Just like Guizhong Lily will have nightmares next chapter. We'll have to wait and see. 

See you soon! 


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