Change of Power

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Lily smiled and hugged him again. "You've been shouldering all the blame this whole time. For that I am sorry...". She kisses him on the forehead resulting in a flushed Xiao. "Please stop blaming yourself". Xiao only grumbles at her action. 

The two sat down on a couch when silence fell. Xiao wanted to talk but he was still embarrassed. He tightens a fist and finally speaks. "Shouldering burdens is what I do. I cannot let my Sunshine share it". Lily blushes as he said that. Still wanting to shoulder everything. Why can't he let another share as well?

She wanted to ease his dormant Karmic Energy but doing so will only harm herself. "Still, If only I could do something" she whispered. Lily embraces Xiao in another hug. She missed this. Lily slowly placed her head on his knee. 

Xiao ran his hand through her hair and lightly stroked her hair. "Xiao, I missed you" He hums "I did as well". Lily began to drift to sleep as he kissed her forehead. "Sweet Dreams, my Light". He watched over her as she slept. Lily had drifted in her sleep as someone unknown came to her.

This unknown person came to her request. "Do you wish to ease his burdens?". She nods to the voice. "I see. I do as well". She tried to ask who this was, but no words came out. "I shall help you". Lily's eyes widen as the voice turns into a figure. "Who are you?". 

The figure smiles "No one of importance". The figure offers her hand to Lily. "I too wish to help". Lily hesitated but took the figure's hand and quickly her body rejuvenated itself. She felt whole again. The wound was gone, and her spirit completely healed.

Lily disappears from the unknown plane and returns to her body. They began to dissipate as it looked up to a bright light. "I wish you luck, my descendent". They quickly disappear into the bright light. Lily wakes up and sits up. Xiao appeared to be asleep. Something deep inside of her wanted out. 

Lily looks at Xiao and places her hand on his forehead. A bright light emerges from her hand. She closes her eyes and enters his Inner World. She opens her eyes and sees a little Golden Seelie floating around her. "Hello, little guy". It twirls as she touches it.

For such a tiny thing it had a lot of energy. "I'd love to play with you, but I have to find Xiao". It flew up and down and began to fly into the distance. Lily's instincts implored her to follow it. They eventually find a glass wall. 

She inspects it and faintly sees a figure surrounded by darkness. Lily fears it's Xiao and bangs on the glass. "Xiao!". The darkness hurdles to her only to be stopped by the wall. Lily flinches at the darkness. It was dark and menacing. Whatever it was, it's trapping Xiao.

The medicine and the Calming Incense did little to help with the Immense Built Up of Karmic Energy. Will she be able to purify it? This new power that she acquired from the figure should be able to help, but how can she get through the glass wall? Lily gets frustrated and bangs on the wall again. "I must protect the one I love!". 

The golden seelie dances and shines to her response as the wall breaks. A barrier forms around her as she walks through the darkness with the seelie following her. They end up in the middle of the darkness to find a figure slumped on the ground.

Lily takes a closer look and finds Xiao. "Xiao!". She rushes to his side. "Please be ok!". She leans down and gently moves his hair from his face. Xiao had a weakened expression and labored breathing. How long has he been like this? "Hold on, I'll help you". She sat down next to him and placed him on her lap. 

Lily closes her eyes and tries to call upon whatever power she acquired. "I want to help him". A sudden blinding light surrounded them causing the darkness to disappear. Xiao's expression calms with his breathing coming to normal. She opens her eyes and waits for him to wake up.  

A/N: Hi! In this chapter, Lily has a change towards her power. Don't worry it's positive. The little golden seelie will be back! 

See you soon! 


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