What is Happening?

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Returning after four weeks, made Lily happy. She was glad to see Verr after a long while. Just being in Wangshu Inn made her happy. It took them several days to try and get back to normalcy. The flow finally came back to them. 

Lily returned to do commissions and Xiao returned to watch over Liyue. Lily came back to Liyue Harbor and saw those she wanted to see again. She was overjoyed to be in Liyue again. Xiao didn't know how though. She's always been like that. He was just happy to see her cheerful.

Lately, there's been an influx of demons around the Inn. Xiao's time away had let them accumulate. He felt like he was at fault. He had gone alone to deal with them himself. A cavern near the Inn had collected a large amount of demonic influence. He made it his responsibility to purge the site before it got out of hand. 

Xiao leaves the Inn and enters the site shortly after. The demonic influence of the site made him feel nauseous. He tries to ignore it as he goes in further. This needed to be taken care of before it spiraled even out of his control.

The influx of demons concerned him. Xiao contemplated using Bane of All Evil, but he had no other choice. He summons his mask and uses Bane of All Evil. He charges at the monsters at the center and instantly kills them. More showed up from the shadows with him killing them. 

The waves of monsters felt endless. The continued use of Bane of All Evil exhausted him. Xiao anticipated this but not to this extent. His body showed signs of fatigue from the constant use of his mask. He just recently recovered yet his body was affected.

Another wave of exhaustion hits him as a sudden Mitachurl attacks him. "Gah!". Xiao tried to reflect the attack, but it rammed him against a wall. He groans in pain and wipes blood from his lip. Xiao summons more power to fight the enormous monster but his power recoils. "Aggh!". 

His mask disappears in particles with his power waning. Xiao's eyes widen in fear as the Mitachurl comes directly for him. He closes his eyes and braces for impact. He was ready for pain, but nothing came. Xiao opens one eye and sees a figure blocking the Mitachurl's attack.

Once the smoke clears, he finally makes out who they are. An angered expression greeted him. "Xiao, what're doing?!". Xiao breathes in and says "Lily...". She had found out where he was and came to assist him. She turns to the Mitachurl. "Time to take you down!". She summons her sword and strikes the monster with such precision. 

It shocked Xiao. How did she get stronger? Lily then turns her attention to Xiao. "Are you alright?". He nods and stands up. "I'm fine". Lily rolls her eyes. She could clearly see his minor injuries. "Let me...". Xiao stops her. "I'm fine. Let's continue".

His stubbornness knows no bounds. She followed him as they ventured further into the cavern. It didn't take them long to find the epicenter of demonic influences. "Lily, stay here". Xiao ignored his body's plea and summoned his mask again. 

Lily reluctantly stayed where she was. "Be careful" she whispered too low for him to hear. Xiao goes up to the platform and puts his hand on it. He closes his eyes and begins accepting the demonic influence. Everything was going smoothly until Xiao suddenly spits up blood. "Xiao!".

Lily runs to him but is stopped by his arm. "S-Stay away!". He didn't want her to get hurt again. This karma could taint her. Xiao continued but it was too much for him. Lily could see that he was struggling. "You need to stop!". He ignored her and continued. At this point even his soul was screaming. 

The platform began to turn black with karmic energy as it spiraled out of even Xiao's control. Lily suddenly coughed multiple times alerting him. "Lily, get out of here!". No! She couldn't leave him! She grits her teeth and draws on that mysterious power. "I will NOT leave you!". She couldn't leave him again. She won't. 

A/N: It has begone! The Angst Train is not being nice! Poor Xiao! We must protect our birb! There is a reason for this, and it will be revealed some chapters from now. (Xiao will be fine!)

See you soon! 


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