Hidden Threat

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The morning sun peeked through the curtains in their room, slowly waking up the two. Xiao sat up and was careful not to disturb Lily too much. He wanted to let her sleep some more, but they needed to get ready for today. 

Not only did Lily have to make an announcement to the people of Liyue Harbor, but she also will also greet people throughout the day. Xiao lightly nudges at Lily's cheek to get her up. "Flower, it's time to get up". "Mm..". Lily rolls onto his knee. "Five more minutes...".

Xiao chuckles and pets her hair. "You asked me to wake you up early so you could get ready". "But...I wanna stay like this forever~!". "As much as I'd love to, we need to get ready". Lily sits up and pouts. "...Fine". She yawns and gets out of bed. 

While she got ready, Xiao went to get her some breakfast. She didn't need to do much to get ready since her adeptal form can be equipped at any moment. Though she still wanted to look her best. One shower later, Lily heads down to the kitchen.

Verr was waiting for her along with Xiao. "Morning, Lily! How did you sleep?". "Morning, Verr. slept alright". Xiao remembered how much she tossed and turned last night. Lily sat next to Xiao and began to eat some breakfast. "Nervous?" asked Verr. "A little..". Verr and Huai'an have known about Lily's adeptal form for a while now. 

"There's no need to be nervous. I'm sure you'll do great!". She hoped so. "Xiao will be with you, so you don't have to worry at all". The two also know about their engagement. Verr even threw a little party for the two.

She's right. Xiao will be with her. Her brave, her love will be by her side. They finish with their breakfast and head out. To help save on energy Lily dawned her adeptal form once they got to Liyue Harbor. 

She'd be in this form most of the day so she braced for an exhausted body later on. The couple land in the area she'd make her announcement later that day, and are greeted by familiar faces. Ganyu, Yanfei, and Zhongli all greeted them. Lily smiles and greets each of them.

They were a sight for sore eyes.

Lily was happy to see some familiar faces again. "What're you guys doing here?!" asked Lily excitedly. "We came to see the announcement in person" said Zhongli. "I did as well. Couldn't miss something like this!" said Yanfei. Ganyu on the other hand looked to be on official business. "I'm here to accompany you today". 

Lily tilted her head. Xiao crosses his arms. "You were asked from the Tianquan to accompany Lily, weren't you?". Ganyu nods "For her safety as well". 'Huh?' Lily thought. "W-Why for my safety?".

The others glanced at her surprised. "You don't know?" asked Yanfei. Lily shakes her head. "No..". "Recently Abyss activity has been active. Some reports say they're looking for the Healing Adeptus" said Zhongli. Lily shivers. Why wasn't she told sooner? "N-News to me". Zhongli glances at Xiao. 

"You haven't mentioned it to her?". Xiao glances away. "No. I didn't want her to worry". Lily felt anger boiling up. "Why didn't you tell me, Xiao?". If she does make an appearance, then the people of Liyue Harbor could be in danger.

Now she was having second thoughts. "Xiao!". He looks at an angered Lily. "Well?". "I didn't want you to worry about today or go out and fight them on your own". Lily furrows her brow. "D-Do you not trust me?". "No...I" said Xiao unconsciously. Lily gasps and runs away. "Lily!" yelled Ganyu and Yanfei.

 Zhongli glanced at Xiao. "You should've told her sooner". Zhongli walks away towards the direction of Lily. Xiao remained silent and could hear his instincts yelling at him. Mate, sad. Must comfort mate. Why didn't he say anything sooner? 

A/N: Geez, Xiao. Should've told her sooner. (The two make up. Don't worry) Oh no! The abyss is starting to make a move! What'll happen next? Sorry, for not putting Halo in this chapter. The little guy was asleep in Guizhong's realm. The next chapter will be more positive! Just wanted to put abyssal activity in here sooner than later. 

Mini Update; As you can probably tell or now heard after reading this; I've changed my name from galaxylover1718 to SapphireSea17 to commemorate a dear friend of mine. So, I do apologize for any confusion for the name change. 

See you soon! 


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