A/N Part 4

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Hello! How is everyone? I hope you are all doing well! Part 2 is finally done! I'll see you guys in a couple of days for Part 3! For this I wanted to explain some things that'll happen in Part 3. 

Below is Hisano's outfit. It's also in the chapter "Mysterious Goddess".  (Not my photo)

Hisano will be important in Part 3

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Hisano will be important in Part 3. Hisano gives Lily a little surprise! (I can't say what!) Hisano is very good friends with Guizhong. I've explained how I met when Xiao went back into the past. We also met Issac; Lily's father. Hisano is mainly a side character that plays an important role. I've already said this, but she has silver hair and eyes. 

As we know from the very short chapter; the Abyss Order is after Lily. There's an important reason why but I won't say yet because it'll spoil Part 3. Aether will make an appearance in Part 3 as well. (Hey the twins might reunite again....)

In Part 3 there we'll see Xiao and Lily's relationship blossom. It's fragile right now but it'll strengthen. Just like normal relationships it'll be bumpy. 

Lastly, there will be a change to Lily and Xiao. For now I won't say what but it's positive. 

I hope everyone stays safe and See you soon!


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