Lantern Rite Special Part 2

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A/N: I am deeply sorry this took so long! School work kept piling up and finally I was able to finish this! I did leave out a lot of things but if you want to see the full Lantern Rite you can find it on YouTube. 

Before we begin, I must thank Otaku_AriaSnow for letting me use their idea of the Courtship Rite. Credits to them! I highly recommend you guys read their fanfics! They're amazing! Now without further ado Part 2!  

After a night of "love" Lily wakes up. The sunshine lit up the room as she sat up. She immediately blushes and covers herself with the blanket. Her body felt exhausted, but she had a good time, and so did Xiao. The hickeys and bright marks have all but faded. 

One particular bite on her left collarbone remained. Xiao bit especially hard there, but for a good reason. In due time a mark of courtship would appear. Something to do with a courtship rite that Xiao told her. Lily yawns and calls Xiao.

He appears next to her and lightly embraces her. "Good morning, my flower". "Mm, good morning". The two cuddle for a little while until Lily properly wakes up. She yawns and sits up. "Hungry?". She nods at him. "I'll get you something". He disappears as she gets dressed. 

Lily leaves their room and goes onto the balcony where Xiao was waiting with food. A small breakfast was waiting for them. "Wow, this looks amazing". Xiao hums "Indeed, Yanxiao made it for us". On a table were some dishes Lily liked and some almond tofu.

The couple talk and eat while enjoying their time. Once done the two go on a leisurely walk. The two held hands as they walked through Dihua Marsh. Lily was enjoying it, but Xiao seemed preoccupied with something. Something to do with a little visitor last night. Lily stops and catches the attention of Xiao. "Love, what's bothering you?". He sighs and tells her that they've been invited to a dinner later today by Hu Tao. Xiao tells her about his worries. "That sounds lovely! But Xiao do you want to go?".

Xiao turns his head a little. "At first I didn't but with you there I am confident I'll be fine". Lily smiles at him. "Ok, we'll attend together". The two spent the day together until dinner. Lily got ready. She wanted to change outfits for the dinner. Lily changes into a blue flower dress for the occasion. 

(A/N: Her blue flower dress she wore to the dinner

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(A/N: Her blue flower dress she wore to the dinner. I didn't specify but Lily did have that mark covered. Pic not mine)

She didn't have too but wanted to do it, nonetheless. She also put her hair into a loose ponytail as well. Xiao was downstairs waiting for her. "My Love!". Xiao turns and smiles. "Your beauty never ceases to amaze me, flower". Lily chuckles "Thank you!".

The couple leave Wangshu Inn and arrive at the destination Hu Tao asked them to arrive at. It was on the outskirts of the city. Hu Tao made special arrangements, so no one bothered the couple. "Lily! Adeptus Xiao!" yelled Hu Tao as she ran to them. 

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