Chapter 29:pretty ender cat

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(Tubbo pov) tw! Swearing, jealousy, overreacting, over thinking, after all that you get gae! 😍

"Thank you Phil! Can you call Quackity saying I'll be staying at Ranboo's for me please?" I asked climbing out the car.

"Course Toby, you go on and have fun now. See you tomorrow!" He screamed at me.

"Byyeeee!!!" I screamed before he drove off.

"Right, well welcome home," they spoke in a nervous tone.
It was a pretty modern house apart from some minor details that change a lot. The wallpapers had a beautiful stroke of paint that circled all around the room. They also owned a cat bed...wait..

"You have a cat?!" I asked a bit too loud.

"Yeah actually, he's probably in the kitchen as always," he said smiling.
Now I didn't know where the fuck the kitchen was but Im running for my life looking for the cat.
Turns out the cat wasn't in the kitchen, but in what I'm guessing was Ranboo's room.

It was very pretty, extremely different from the rest of the house. It had royal blue wallpaper with dim white or yellow fairy lights. They also had a lava lamp that contrasted from red to green. It also had an ender eye at the top of it.

"Awwwwwww you're so beautiful!!" I said as I sat on the bed next to the cat. It was a black cat with yellow eyes, and a red collar. It had a name engraved on it, it read Ender chest.

I thought it was a silly name to give a cat but I didn't really care too much.
"Awee hello Ender chest! You're so pretty!!" I said picking her up and cradled her like a baby. She didn't really mind luckily, or else my face would've been scratched off.

"JEEZ YOU'RE FAST TUBBO," Ranboo said panting at the doorway.

"Look who I found!" I said holding Ender chest in front of me. She just meowed at her owner as they took her into their hands.

"Hi Ender chest how are you my pretty kitty." They said holding her up to their face.
"Okayyy, let's get you something to eat." They said placing her on the ground, she seemed upset at first but then walked up to me rubbing herself on my ankles.

"Awe why you are so baby," I said picking her up and cradling her again.

We walked over to the kitchen with Ranboo leading this time cuz I had no clue where I was going.

They got out the cat food and put it in her food bowl. They also refilled her water bowl.

"Alright go eat up beautiful," I said placing her down near her food.

(Ranboo pov)

Okay so I may or may not be jealous of my cat. Don't judge me you would be too! It's almost like he came here only for my cat. NO, don't think like that, but what if he uses me to play with Ender chest.
I sighed and leaned against the wall.

"You okay Ran?" He asked me. SEE, he's calling me Ran now! He doesn't love me anymore.

"Yeah..I'm fine." I replied.

"You sureee?"

I sighed again, "yes Tubbo I'm fine."

"And what if I don't believe you?"

"Then we would be equal." I said on accident.

His expression went absolutely blank.

"I-I'm sorry I didn't mean it-" I said anxiously.

"No it's fine, uhm.. talk about it when you feel comfortable okay?.." he said politely giving a sloppy smile. Before sitting down next to Ender chest.

I felt so bad, but what could I say? The truth? That I'm jealous he likes my cat better than me? It sounds stupid I know. Ughhhhhh I have to tell him eventually, or we'll never speak again.

Its like I have a devil and an Angel over my shoulders right now. One is saying, "get over him he doesn't understand you enough to love you." And the other says, "c'mon Ranboo focus, you know he still loves you and there's proof! Just come clean."

What proof? Hmmmm I guess there's earlier this morning when we cuddled, when he told me he loved me after he helped me stop crying, and when he supported me after coming out to him telling me he still loved me..
"Yeah you dumbass open your eyes he loves you," the Angel said. Wait you're not meant to swear?!?

"I know Im meant to make you feel bad about yourself but it is true he loves you bro. Stop being a pussy and go tell him you're sorry," the devil said to me.

I was too confused to process what happened, but that doesn't matter right now. What matters now is I apologize to Tubbo.

(Tubbo pov)

What did I do wrong? All I did was breathe and play with Ender chest.
What do they even mean by they don't trust me? Do they think I'm cheating on them or something? I thought they would know me at least a little better than that.. Maybe they don't love me like they said they did.

"Dude shut the fuck up you drama king," a random devil said appearing on my shoulder. Well damn.

"Don't listen to him, obviously they still love you! I mean look at this morning they trusted you enough to put their life in your hands! Also earlier when they said they loved you!" An Angel said also appearing on my shoulder.
Well I suppose you're right.. but friends can also do that!

"Maybe if you weren't a pussy you would know why they're upset," the devil spoke.
I mean they're right.. maybe if I had paid more attention.
"Nonsense! There's no clear reason why Ranboo's upset yet! You just have to wait until they're comfortable enough to tell you what's bothering them," the Angel said reassuringly.
Suppose you're right too. Ughhhhh but I'm so impatient!!

"Hey Tubbo?" I heard Ranboo say.

(Ranboo pov)

"Yeah?" Tubbo said still petting Ender chest not facing me.

"C'mere bee," I said a bit sad he didn't even look at me.

He got up and walked towards me. "Yes?" He said still looking away from me.

I put my arms around his waist, "I'm sorry I didn't mean it I swear."

"I-it's okay.. I just don't know what I did," he replied looking up at me.

"You didn't do anything Tubbo, it was a silly reason I got upset.."

"It couldn't have been that silly."
Now this was going to be embarrassing..
"I was upset because you paid more attention to Ender chest..."

He looked up at me, and let out a little laugh.

"I told you!"

"I'm sorry boo I didn't know you wanted attention too," he said smiling at me.

"Yeah well I did that's why I even brought you here actually."

"Aweee my little baby wanted attention~" Tubbo teased putting his arms around my neck.

"Haha you're sooo funny," I said rolling my eyes.

"You bet," he replied before giving me a kiss.
It felt amazing, as always.
We both pulled away and looked at each other in the eyes.

He laughed again, "I'm sorry I just didn't expect your cat to be the reason you were upset at me."

"Ugh don't remind me," i said sarcastically.

"You know what we totally forgot? You had to meet up with Dream remember?"

I groaned, "I like hanging out with my boyfriend better thoughhhhh."

"I like hanging out with you too, but we don't want to make Dream upset and start another war now do we?" He asked making a point.

"I guess so," I said sighing.

"Good boy," he said before kissing my nose.

We then both heard a knock at the door. We pulled away from each other's grasp as I went to go open the door.

"Dream?!" I said shocked.
"GEORGE⁉️" Tubbo asked even more shocked.

(Chapter closes)

(AN: long chapter woo woo!! This took me an entire day to finish so please enjoy :,D)

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