Chapter 13: idk so uh hi

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(Ranboo pov)  !tw! Past, bullies, transphobia, and mention of d€@th, stay safe!

"Uhmmmmm... I promise I had no bad intentions!! It was just the gems- I'm an enderman- a hoarder of anything I find! They were obviously fake but still very intriguing!" I said as we walk towards our seats now in the classroom. Luckily the teacher hadn't shown up yet. We sit next to eachother because we didn't really know anyone else.

"Look mARk, I don't believe a word you're saying right now. If I catch you slip up once, I will not hesitate to have you expelled and make sure you never see Toby again." I felt my heart rate shoot all the way to space, then fall back down to Earth only to shatter.

"Tommy, I'm being 100% serious. I have no ill intentions towards Tubbo, he's one of my best friends and gets along well with my other friends. Until he gives me a reason to treat him terribly, I'll spoil him... with the gifts, of friendship."

"Right.. whatever. If you ever pull a stunt that isn't okay by Toby. You'll be sorry you've ever met me. For now we'll act like nothing ever happened and we're friends."

" it, friend."

The teacher finally walks into their classroom, "Right class, happy first day of your last year! New kids Tommy and Mark please stand up." Me and Tommy stand out of our seats, I was super uncomfortable- Tommy probably was as well.

"Okay class, Mark, he came from The End Highschool. Tommy, he came from L'manhigh. Please give them a warm welcome or DONT SPEAK AT ALL." The entire class flinched, if they weren't awake then, they're definitely awake now.

"Hello Mark, hello Tommy." The tired class said lazily.

"Right, now that that's outta the way. Any questions for Mark or Tommy?"

"Yeah, what's up with the mask and glasses," a random student asked.

"Nothing really, just feel like it you know.."
I would've went with 'why do you care' but I'm new, Imma try to be nice.

"Righttt, and you're Tommy from the L'manburg war?"

"Yesss??" Tommy said holding out the s.

"Okay, well I heard you and Tori were close friends correct? What happened?"
Tommy went silent for a few seconds.

"Uhm.. he-she-.. she didn't make it out."

"The textbooks say that you and her both made it out alive and moved on though?"

(Tommy pov)

Yeah so I have no clue what to say in this situation. Im not going to tell what actually happened to Tori. Not without Toby's permission.

"W-well.. what actually happened was, when we were interviewed the interviewers confused Tori, with my current best friend Toby. Plus, are you going to trust some textbooks, or someone that actually was in the war?"

"That's because you said Tori in your interviews."
If this kid doesn't stfu. I give him a glare he'll never forget, "everyone makes mistakes."

"Right," the teacher interrupts. "Thank you Tommy and Mark. I hope you enjoy it here. That concludes advisory students, you have a 5 minute break." The class picked up their stuff and walked out the door into the crowded hallways.

"5 minutes is just not enough." I hear Mark say next to me. I sadly have to look up to see him, he's extremely tall. He looked part enderman though, so that explained it.

"True, but looks like we'll have to get used to it." We see the other 2 rushing towards us because we only have a few minutes.
"TOMMMYYYYYYY" Tubbo yells from across the hallway, uh oh.

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