Chapter 35: ur an idiot

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(Tommy pov) (TW: SWEARING DR?GS SCREAMING CRYING i think that's it but lemme know-)

"Tommy get your ass up" Phil said causing me to wake up.

"Ughhhhhhh 5 more minutes." I said groaning.

"Tommy I said now," he said more sternly.

"I dont wanna go to school todayyyy.." i whined like a 5 year old.

"I'm not taking you to school Tommy. I've already called up subs for your brothers too.

"Wait why?" I asked.

"HE'S HERE!" Wilbur said barging into the room.

"Who's here?" I asked concerned.

"Tubbo is here so hurry up and you'll find out!" He said rushing out the room.

Well, call me the flash, I raced my way to my bathroom to get ready and in the time span of 5 minutes I was already out of my room to find out what was going on.

When I walked out I saw Big Q first. Then I saw mumza? Mumza is hardly ever here so this might be more serious. Then I saw him, Tubbo, puffy eyes, ruffled hair, wrinkled clothes, and with bags under his eyes.

"Toby?? What happened??!" I asked concerned. I basically pushed everyone out of my way to get to him.

"Ranboo...broke up with me," he said looking away.

"THEY DID WHAT?" I yelled.
At this point my blood is boiling and little brother mode was turned on. This means the gremlin in me will go all out on whoever hurt who is close to me.

"OH JUST YOU WAIT! WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON THEM IM GOING TO STRANGLE THE F-" I said before mum hit the back of my head.

"Listen to what Toby has to say first dimwit," she said motioning for me to sit down.

"Thanks mumza.. I have a bit I would like to confess. 1. I sell *THING* to randos.. it makes quite a bit of money and Ranboo was my boss so it was easy enough. 2. I've been helping Schlatt with the revival book. I know that looks bad for me but let me explain first.. basically what I wanna do is gain my fathers trust then take the book and keep it where my father can never find it again. And as for the *THINGS* uh I was just kinda bored so..." he said pausing. This is news to me, why did Tubbo never tell me?

"That leads to where we are now. Ranboo found out about me helping my father and got rightfully upset at me for lying to them. I just can't believe they didn't have a smidge of trust left for me within them. That's what partners are meant to do right? That's what I would do. Whatever, I'm making such a pity scene for nothing I just have to accept it and move on!" He said giving his fake laugh while wiping his tears.

"That's such BULLSHIT!" I screamed.
Everyone nodded in agreement.

"When I first laid eyes on you guys I knew something was up. I smelled apples and cherries from a mile away(fruity joke)! You guys are practically soulmates, I'm not gonna sit around and just watch this happen!" I said infuriated.

"There's not much we can do Tommy, it's really Tubbos choice." Mum said rubbing my back.

"Well Tubbo can't just take this disrespect either! As he said Ranboo didn't have a single speck of trust left and he would! It's fucking annoying to know that you're bestest friend is being treated like shit!" I said with smoke practically coming out my ears.

"Tommy why don't we take a walk, as a breather?" Tubbo said kindheartedly.

(Tubbo pov)

"Ranboo is a dumbass." Tommy said as we walked through the front door.

"I dont think they are, I just think that they over think a lot and go with their guts." I explained.

"Still a dumbass in my eyes." Tommy mumbled.

"I'm sorry for not telling you all this time Tommy. I know lying isn't a good look on me." I said looking down.

"Tubbo, you can have privacy. Your allowed to have things to keep to yourself. That's something Ranboo should've thought of too. Like, 'hey maybe my boyfriend is having fun with other friends cool I'll let him have his privacy.' Not follow you and track your every move!"
He continued, "I don't hate Ranboo, I know they're a good guy. I just think that there's definitely room for improvement on how not to be a psycho stalker."

"Your right Tommy, but I don't know how I can talk to them after this. They probably don't even want to look at my face right now!"

(Ranboo pov)


"I just don't know how he'd want to even listen to me after the tantrum I threw at him!" I explained to Bill.

"You just have to find the right time to apologize. Sitting your ass down after breaking up with him won't make him like you any better!" He explained to me.

"Yeah, but what if I was right and he is lying to me!?" I said pacing around my room.

"Toby's not awesome at keeping big secrets he's gonna snap eventually. Also isn't there this thing in a relationship called trust?" He pointed out.

"Yeah but, ughhhh i don't know what to do Bill!!" I groaned.

"I say just wait for the next time you can speak to him alone and hopefully he can elaborate onto why he couldn't let you in on what he was doing. Then you'll say your really really sorry, and then he forgives you, then you guys get back together, you get married, have a kid, and live happily ever after. THE END." He said slightly annoyed.

"You right, thanks bill!" I exclaimed.


(An: grounded for a month but I have access every now and then-
Anywho yeah I GUESSS I'll give Ranboo my sympathy 😒)

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