Chapter 32: uh boobs? idk hello!

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(Ranboo pov)

I waited outside the front doors of the building for Tubbo. And eventually he did finally get out.

"Hey.. sorry for taking long it's just- uh- you get it.." he said looking away.
To be honest I really just don't get it. Sure, I might've had 2 moms but they never explained what "girl problems" were. The people at school talked about it, but the teachers just said they were all wrong, no explanation.

It was weird to think of a boy having girl problems, but I'm a person who deals with guy problems so I'm not really one to talk.
I'll do my research eventually to help Tubbo, but for now- I just gotta be there for him.

"You okay man? Didn't seem like the way you wanted to come out," I said bending down to look at him.

"Y-yeah.. but hey! This was much funnier and much better than the way I came out to Tommy at least." He replied smiling at me.

"How'd you come out to Tommy?" I asked him curiously.

*flash back 4 years ago*

"Hey Tommy?"

"Yeah Tubbo?"

"Could you maybe call me Toby instead of Tori? And refer to me as a guy- it feels so much better to just pretend to be like you guys."

"Yeah of course 'ToBY.' Is ur new name around us!"

"Thanks Tommy."

*flash back ends*

"4 years later he still makes fun of me for saying "pretend" sadly." He explained giving a sarcastic sigh.

"Awe that's sweet, I mean at least you were brave enough to ask him!" I said smiling.

"Yeah, he was the only one to know for a year. Until I found out that the rest of my family were already placing bets when I would come out to who last." He said with a smile creeping onto his face.

"And who was the last person in your family?" I asked curiously.

"It was actually Techno! He was a very old timey related person and I was afraid like- i think you can guess from there. Anyways I came out to him with Tommy because I was scared like terrified, like quaking in my boots-" he said laughing a bit. I laughed with him.
"And yeah he was actually very chill with it, and he already knew which should've been expected but wasn't. Turns out he had made me a binder like on his own, for the day I came out to him. I can't remember a lot from there but Tommy swears I cried and just put it on right then and there." He explained looking embarrassed.

"What do you mean put it on right then and there?" I said looking down at him.

"Let's not get into detail- but him and Tommy now mock me by saying I can relate to Eleven from stranger things now." He said rolling his eyes.

"Wait- that actually happened??? That sounds like a fever dream," I said giggling a little.

"Maybe for you- anyways yeah they both remember it. I can actually call Tommy he can explain it better. He says he 'remembers it like it's yesterday'" he said pulling out his phone.

"Yeah sure," I said listening to the ringing.

(Tubbo pov)

"Hello?" Tommy said over the phone. He sounded like he had just woken up.

"Hey Tommy can you tell me that story you won't shut up about again?" I asked sarcastically.

"Toby it's 5:26am." Tommy responded groaning.

"Pleaasssseeee I need it to fall asleep!" I responded.

"Just tell Ran to sing you a lullaby or something," you can hear the smirk in his voice.

"I cant sleep either," Ranboo said chiming in.

"Ughhhhh you guys are like my children, now I know how Phil feels." He spoke through the phone.

"Pllleeaassee Tommy!!! I'll buy you a whole cart of coke-" I spoke before getting cut off.

"Deal." He said quickly.
"I'm gonna FaceTime you so I can act it out," he explained before hanging up.
Then called again, "hello again- where the fuck are you guys."

"Uhhhhhhhh, we went on a walk, and we're still not sleepy?" I said sounding more like a question.

"Okay... why are you near the sketchy ass building?"

" reminded me of how we use to make fun of it and then I called you. Uh nostalgia!" I said confidently.

"Right, anyways- okay I stood here, Techno there, Tubbo there-"

(I'll write the flashback next chapter but i feel like I've left you guys on hold for like 5 days 😀 so yeah hello! Vacation over and school here I come :,)
Not excited and you'll get slower updates sorry but I promise I'm trying!)

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