Chapter 31: "balls, no more"

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(Tubbo pov) tw! Mention of surgery, mention of blood, period????, mention of nvk3, swearing- I think that's it-

You may be wondering what I'm doing up at 4am for? Well to work on the nuke I've been building of course! I felt bad not telling Ranboo such a thing but they would be scared of me. I don't want my lover to be scared of me!

With that, I walk up to Mr.Manifold. The one that made the magic happen.
"Hey Mr.Manifold!" I spoke excitedly.

"Hey Tubbo, my boyyy! Im actually pretty much done with the nuke, but just one last bit is missing." He said handing me a power tool to complete the nuke. And I did so, now it's finished!

"Woah..." I spoke, out of words.

"She's beautiful isn't she?" Jack said just as proud as I am.

"Yeah, of course she is! This is so cool! When do you think we'll be able to use it?!" I spoke basically jumping with excitement.

"Alright slow down big guy, we'll use it once Ranboo says it's necessary to use it. For now she just rests here looking beautiful." Jack explained to me.

"Riigghhhttt. Righty then, anything else I should do Manifold?" I asked kindly.

"No, not for now at least. Remember if anybody sees you say you came from a mission and gave me weapons to recycle." He explained in a serious tone.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Right then, bye see you hopefully soon!" I said walking towards the elevator.

"Bye Tubbo!" I heard jack yell as I pressed the "1" button.

Here I am at the main floor. No one's ever asked me where I've been before so what could go wron-

"TUBBO? WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" I heard Niki yell at me from the first Aid's. It's right near the check in so it's not odd she spotted me here.
"Ranboo has been worried sick! And YOU'RE BLEEDING!" She said making a lot of hand gestures.

"I am?"

"YES..down there- don't you feel it??" She asked trying to keep her voice down now. She also pulled out her phone to text Ranboo I'm guessing.

I look down- fuck.
"Uhhh- ow! The pain- I got my balls sliced off-" I said trying not to laugh.

"Tubbo take this seriously, come on!" She said dragging me to the first Aid's.

As soon as I entered first aid's she pushed me forcefully onto the bed and started looking for medications, bandages, ice packs, anything?

With that, Ranboo rushed through the doors-
"TUBBO YOU'RE BLEEDING- ARE YOU OKAY?" They spoke with a worried expression.

"Ye-I mean no! Owww! I'm beginning to see the light-" I started laughing this time.

"Have you already dr?gged him?" They asked Niki.

"No! I don't know why he's acting like it!" She asked panicking.

"Tubbo did you take dr?gs?" They asked me seriously.


"Okay Tubbo I've got everything ready for you, now I'm gonna inject you once you take off your pants." Niki said running towards me.

"Okaayyyyy... this has gone a little far-" I said looking at the surgery supplies.

"It's all completely necessary! Now chop chop I don't have time to deal with this!"


"Tubbo I've seen a lot of people with minion underwear it cannot be that bad-"


"What Tubbo, what could possibly be more important-"

"I'm trans!"

"That has nothing to do with this!" I'm guessing she thought mtf.

"I have a pu$$y!!! Okay??!" I said bringing everyone to silence.

Ranboo walked out of the room without saying a word.
Niki put all her supplies away, "were you really that afraid to tell us? You told us you got your balls chopped off!!" She asked laughing a little.

I laughed a little too, "I know I probably shouldn't have worried you guys- it's just. I don't want to be seen as a girl at all anymore." I said looking down- at the mess I've made on the bed—
"Hey- do you have any period supplies?" I asked shyly.

"Yeah, of course Tubbo, here," she said passing me a whole pack of pads.

"Thanks Niki," I said nicely.

"Oh yeah, and there's pairs of pants behind the front desk, so help yourself!"

"Oh alright, thank you Niki! Have a good night!" I said before leaving.

"Bye bye Tubbo!" She said waving.

(Ranboo pov)

What the hell just happened-

(AN: Hi guys! I've already announced I'm going on vacation for a week- no I don't know if that means I wont be able to write- but here if it does! I'm not going to starve you guys :D)

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