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"Here's the lady of the hour" avery said causing me to chuckle.

I sat down starting my treatment.

"How are you doing Avery" I asked.

"Good but bummed that Harper isn't here" he said.

That's when I notice he wasn't sitting down.

"Why where is here" I asked.

"Recovering from surgery"

"When did he have surgery"

"Last night he got a lung transplant so he got new lungs" he stopped to breath.

"He's gonna go home in a couple of days if the recovery go good" he said looking down.

"So we won't see him while he's recovering"

He nodded.

"Nope not at all, only when he says goodbye if he does that" he said.

"Well you still have me" I said trying cheer him up.

"Yea i guess you'll do" he said smiling.

"Wow and I thought we was friends" I said pretending to be mad.

"Don't know why you thought that" he said adding on to the joke.

"Fuck you" I said sticking up my middle finger.

We bust out laughing our lungs out until Avery started coughing.

"You okay" I said concerned.

"Yea she laughed a little to much" he smiled.

I nodded smiling back at him.

"But for real I'm always gonna be here Avery" I smiled.

"Thanks Dylan and I'll always been here for you to" he smiled.

We just was smiling at each other until doctor dove came in getting both me and Avery and taking us to the teens room.

"So Dylan any lover" Avery asked.



"Cause I'm scared"

"Oh what"

"Dating Im scared to date"

"Oh that's alright, I use to think that"

I nodded continuing to draw on my sketch book.

While I was drawing I saw I was drawing Avery I don't know why.

I looked up seeing he was also drawing but I didn't know what he was drawing due to him hiding his sketch book.

"Ok what's your favorite color" I asked wanting to make conversation.

"Strawberry red, what about you"

"Oh I like the color lilac" I nodded.

"That's a very pretty color"

"Thanks you" I said agreeing with him in my mind.

"So what you gonna do for your birthday since it's next month" I asked looking at him.

"Don't know just know I'm gonna be in this place" said still looking down at his drawing.

It must of been very important cause he didn't lift one eye away from that sketch book.

"Oh come on you have to do something"

I always loved birthdays.

It was the one day that it's all of you and only you.

It's like your in control and everybody has to listen to you and only you, they also have to do what you say.

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