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Two after Ae'liyn's birth they wanted me to stay a little bit back at the hospital.

They moved me from the section I was in into a patient section.

Turns out they think they found something wrong with on pulse so they just want to checked over something.

Ae'liyn was good to good home. So Avery took her home but bring her everyday.

Right now we're just in my hospital room waiting for my scans to be clear.

My baby girl was sleep in her car seat which was so adorable.

Man laying in this bed right now really brings back when I was a long term patient due to my sickness.

The nurses had came back a few minutes but their faces didn't seem to good.

"So we was right something was wrong with your pulse" nurse Diaz said.

"Turns out we found a brain tumor disease in your blood"

What but the hospital in Texas said I was cleared to go because of my tumor.

"Your tumor is inflamed"

The words just kept bringing my heart down breaking it piece by piece.

"I'm not understanding my other doctors cleared me and said the tumor was gone"

"Yea I heard but turns out your tumor had just gotten smaller it never went away" doctor cruise said.

"Your tumor have been growing for almost ten months and it's taken over half your brain Dylan"

Avery and Eden still didn't say anything yet and by the looks on their faces they was in disbelief just as me.

"So your saying my doctors lied to me"

"I'm afraid so"

"Not to bring you down even more but Dylan you don't have much time left" doctor Diaz said.

"What do you mean by that" Avery said.

The two doctors looked at each other before answering.

"Dylan sweetie you only have 48 hours to live"

That when tears had came to my eyes.

I had just gave birth to my daughter and they're saying I'm not even gonna be in her life.

"Your serious" Eden asked.

"Sadly yes, we'll give you three some time" the gave a small smile before walking out.

"Them god damn Texas bitches" Eden said walking out the room.

I just sat there with tears in my eyes.

Good thing Ae'liyn was still sleeping.

Tears was just flowing down mg face by now.

"They lied Avery they lied and now I'm gonna die because if them"

"Shhh I know I know" Avery said getting up from his seat coming over to me pulling us into a hug.

"I know they lied and I'm sorry"

"It's their faults I can't see my little girl grow up now" I cried into his arms.

I was truly hurt about what the doctors had said.

I didn't want to leave yet.

I wasn't ready to leave yet.

I'm not ready.

"Dyl I'm here okay just listen to my voice" Avery said.

I cried in his arms.

Ae'liyn started crying avery was about to get her when eden did.

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