War Is Coming

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Sometimes I wished my dreams were just dreams.

The visions I had while I slept turned out to be true. Max was temporary Praetor of New Rome. And to make matters worse, he had Charles and Selina held hostage while he broadcast his message to Camp Half-Blood.

The campers had gathered around the hearth, where Max's imposing figure projected above. I nearly had a heart attacked. Max was using an Arcus message. Arcus, Roman goddess of rainbows, was considered the holy messenger of the gods. Per Roman law, we were strictly forbidden from using it unless extreme circumstances warranted its use. Clearly, Max received permission from the Senate to send this message. Unless Max was doing so behind their backs.......

Behind Max, I could see Selina on her knees, a broken and bloody mess chained with heavy Imperial Gold. Beside her, his mouth gagged, is who I assumed to be Charles Beckondorf. He was almost as tall and imposing as Max, but as he was also on his knees chain up, it was hard to tell. His chocolate brown skin covered in scars and cuts. Some fresh and others not. He wore standard Camp Half-Blood uniform that was ripped to shreds. The room they were standing must have been in the dungeons of the main Principia. Which was odd, using an Arcus message should be in a public setting.

"Camp Half-Blood." Max spoke, his voice hard. "I will keep this brief. The Twelfth Legion Fulminata will no longer tolerate your attempts at destabilizing our great nation. Your attempts to kill my predecessor Jason. Your attempts to kill me!" He turned around and punched Charles so hard that everyone in attendance flinched. Charles's siblings shouted insults at Max for hurting their brother.

I shook my head, this was not proper protocol, something was off. I pushed past the other campers to get closer. "MAX!" I shouted.

Max spun around, a momentary look of shock on his face. "Reyna? What are you doing there? Did they take you prisoner?"

I threw my hands in the air. "Do I look like a prisoner? Max what the hell are you doing? Where's Sam?"

Max swallowed, taking a moment to compose himself. "Its just me." He said finally.

I put my fist on my hips. "Yeah I can see that genius. Max let them go, their not a threat and their not working with Luke or Justice."

Max raised an eyebrow. "Well that's not what she said. She admitted to attempted assassination of Jason and conspiring with Luke."

He took a step back to showcase Selina in her battered state. Max pushed her head with his foot, causing Beckondorf to fight against his chains. Clarisse stepped forward. "You touch her again and I'll rip you to shreds!"

Selina raised her hand, revealing her bruised and battered face. A chorus of gasps coming from the crowd around me, including myself. "Tell them." Max ordered.  

Selina groaned, he kicked her head again. The crowd roared insults at Max, Clarisse the loudest of all of them. Beckondorf pressed against his chains, using every of fiber of his being in a vain attempt to break the golden chains.

Selina shook her head. "No more. I did it. I did it. I.... I did it."

The crowd gasped, but Clarisse wasn't having it. "I can careless if she stabbed a stupid Roman. But she is NOT working for Luke. Tell him Selina!"

Selina started sobbing, struggling to breathe from her broken nose. She shook her head slowly. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

Before my eyes, Clarisse's confident demeanor diminished . "Your lying, Selina."

"I'm sorry. He... I wanted to stop. But he was going to....." Selina sobbed, blood and mucus dripping from her mouth and nose.

"That's enough for me." Max said. "Camp Half-Blood, the Twelfth Fulminata will meet you at the Garden of the Gods, our army is prepared for war."

Reyna and Jason: The Praetor's of New Rome - SacrificeWhere stories live. Discover now