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"Jason Grace." My father, Jupiter, said once we approached him. His voice echoing throughout the island.

And by approach, I mean we stood fifteen away from him in guarded positions. I took center, Percy stood with his head held high to my right and Nico stood to my left, his jaw nearly hitting the sand below as soon as he saw my father. That left Calypso, standing behind us, still holding onto my left hand as tight as she could.

While Percy may have referred to him as Zeus earlier, something told me this wasn't Zeus as he knew him. My father wore a similar attire to my own, but it was far more elegantly designed and fitted onto his body perfectly. He had a flowing purple cloak twice as large as my own, which was fitting, since he was about twice as tall as I am, and I'm just under six feet tall so you do the math.

He was about twelve feet, just in case you were struggling.

.... Sorry, I'm retelling the most terrifying experience in my life, so I'm a little nervous.

He wore an imperial gold chest that was decorated with eagle shaped wings that crossed against his chest and a lightning bolt symbol on his chest that reminded me of The Flash. Underneath the armor, he wore a classic Roman Tunic, which did nothing more then show how jacked his legs are. Seriously, the guy is huge. He makes Max look like an ammature.

That left his face, which I had tried to avoid looking at directly since we found him. He had black flowing hair that went down to his shoulders and a scruffy black beard. His piercing gold eyes stared through my very being. He stood by the surf. The waves somehow avoiding him, as if Neptune himself wanted nothing to do with the current situation.

"Your Dad is hot." Nico said as he attempted to pick up his jaw.

Percy and I whipped our heads to look at Nico, "What?" We both asked him.

We snapped him back to reality. "Uh, I mean, it feels really hot here. You think he's going to blow us up with lightning or- or its just me?"

I took his explanation at face value. "Oh, yeah the energy in the air is different."

Percy raised an eyebrow and stared at Nico for a few seconds, but then he too seemed to accept it. "Uh, yeah, i recognize this feeling. It's not a good one."

Calypso nervously laughed behind us. "Did that seriously go over your heads, boys?"

"Shut it!" Nico told her.

"I see right through you, son of Hades." Calypso hissed back at him. "You can't hide the truth from-"

"Jason!" My father said, cutting us off. "Your father AND King stands before you and you have yet to address me. Is this the example you set for the legion? For Rome?"

I swallowed and glanced back at the others. "Follow my lead." I whispered.

I bowed, going on one knee. "I apologize, father. Please forgive me for the disrespect..... I just... wasn't expecting to be graced with your presence."

Calypso and Nico followed my example, except for Percy. He merely gave Jupiter a lazy bow. "What are you doing?" I hissed at him.

Percy raised his hand at me as if to say, "I got this."

"Hey Lord Zeus, how's it-"

Percy didn't even need to finish his sentence to ruin my father's mood even more then before. Jupiter leaned forward, gripping his head. Suddenly, his appearance changed. He wore a black buttoned up suit with a tie that looked like clouds were trapped within them. His hair was longer and greyer. His eyes were now electric blue, instead of golden.

Reyna and Jason: The Praetor's of New Rome - SacrificeWhere stories live. Discover now