The spell

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Twilight was in her castle looking through spell books. Then she came across a spell that sounded weird.

"Spell of universe crossover. This spell is new." Twilight said to herself. Just then her friends came walking in. "Hello darling. What are you doing?" Rarity asked in her lady like manner. "Just looking through spell books. And I found a weird spell I've never heard of." Twilight said and showed them the spell. "That is a very weird sounding spell." Rainbow dash said. "I agree. What does crossover even mean?" Applejack asked.

Pinkie pie then put on some glasses and pulled up a whiteboard from thin air. She started to act like a professor. "It means when different universes meet eachother, or crossover eachother. Kinda like the human world Sunset shimmer is in and ours. But it's often in fiction where it's most common. Like if Spike's comic would meet with another comic and the characters in both comics would interact and be able to share an adventure together. That's what crossover means. Our that's one way to describe it." Pinkie pie said and pushed the whiteboard out of the way and throwed her glasses away before smiling. The others looked at her and blinked confused.

"Ok. I think I get it now." Applejack said still confused. "So we can travel into different universes?" Fluttershy asked quietly. "It seems like so." Twilight said. "Can we try it?" Spike asked with big eyes. "I don't know. It could be dangerous." Twilight said and was about to put the spell away but Rainbow dash grabbed it. "Come on Twilight. It could be fun." She said. "I must say. It could be great with a new experience. Maybe we can found a universe where there's a nice spa." Rarity said and the others just rolled their eyes. "Come sugar cube. An adventure is fun." Applejack said. "I would like to meet animals in different universes. Wonder if they're the same as here?" Fluttershy said smiling as she thought about different animals. "We can have a mega universal party!" Pinkie pie said and ran away. She then came back with a hawaiian shirt and sunglasses together with bags full of party things. "LET'S GO!" She shouted and Twilight looked at her friends before she sighed. "Ok. Let's do it. But I'll be ready to send us back if something dangerous is happening." She said and the others nodded.

Carefully she but the spell book in the middle of them all. And then she shot a magic beam from her horn at the spell, activating it. Light appered from the book and then a little black hole opened up. The mane 6 and Spike started to get sucked in one by one. Lastly Twilight got sucked in and the book closed as the black hole disappeared. Now they where on there adventure. But they didn't know exactly what would happen.

(A/N. Hope you liked this first chapter. Please like and share with others. See you soon.)

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